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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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Nice little diary update or write-up from the mini-site....

Wednesday 22nd October

Well, the secret has been out now for just over a week and ‘Saw’ as a theme has been getting great reactions. The YouTube video has received over 41,000 views and seeded onto a number of high profile websites, including The Sun and Guardian online.

Saw (the films) are a proven success (although a bit terrifying for me!) and Lionsgate Films, who own the rights, have shown continuous drive to progress the brand beyond the cinematic screen and into other entertainment streams, as shown when they opened the ‘Official SAW Haunted Attraction’ in Brea, California this September.

In October 2007, we held focus groups with young adults to test whether a horror themed ride would prove popular - results showed unequivocal support for the use of horror theming, and the general consensus was that a horror film Intellectual Property would be a great addition - well, that’s what the Marketing team told me!

Attention to detail will be obvious throughout SAW - The Ride, and the creative team are working very hard on bringing the film to life through theming, including queue line experience which will help guests immerse themselves into the story and build up their apprehension and excitement. We have worked very closely with Lionsgate to ensure we capture the essence of the films, but without distracting from the ride. Lionsgate are fully behind the project and avid fans may even recognise a few original props from the films.


Keith Workman
^Where abouts is it on the mini-site?
I can't wait to find out what they will be doing in the queue. Live Actors anyone?
Can't believe it's only been just over 10 days since we found out the name. Seems much longer lol. :p
Well thats a nice update. It still doesn't really answer whether the level and quality we HOPE it implies really is what we're going to get, but It certainly showed enthusiasm on their part... Which is nice and quite refreshing really.
Usually when I click on news it takes me straight back to the home page. But going through that link it works. :)
After watching Saw 1 for the first time last night on Channel 4, I have under estimated how powerful the story line is. TBH I thought it was going to be like all the other scary films I have watched where it is all cry and pain then it is all happy ever after and I love the way that it ends and leads nicely into the second one. Anyway, Thorpe really do need to do a good job to match the films standards, I know it is never going to be as good, but Thorpe have a really opportunity hear and they can either make it break it!
Any updates? This topic is appearing pretty much dead now. Odd :?

Oh well, it does need a bit of a break :lol:

The storyline is going to have connections with the film right? It's bound to have a few moments where you go, "ahh I've seen this before". I hope so anyhow, I like a bit of parody here and there :)

Just trying to lift the spirit of the topic don't hate me please :p
After going to GFV I can say that I'm pretty impressed by this coaster.

It's bigger than I thought, and the two larger inversions really make a good skyline. As for the station, well, at the moment it's still just the steel work. But it appears to be taking shape.

I'm still not convinced about the Saw theme, however the ride has the potential to be quite good.
I haven't seen it myself in person yet :( I'm heading there next Spring and having a ride on the coaster. I do have high anticipations :p and I don't think the theme will ever get old until a very long time!

Even if its based on a film or not; its the overall experience of the ride and how it looks on the inside and out. I sure hope it stays in better shape than Colossus :lol:

I also watched the films the other day and surprised at how gory and adult related it was. I'm definately not surprised if Thorpe have to put forth a restriction; but that will kill off the whole family value :? Also after looking at the website it doesn't stray that far away from the film in terms of theme's. It's going to be something we'll have to wait and see.
when we wee at thorpe the other day i got my first look at saw it looks awsome and i cant wait to get on it next year.

i hopr they can get the themeing down well and i think the station should look alot like the bathroom from saw 1 :--D .
I also watched the films the other day and surprised at how gory and adult related it was.
It carries this symbol:


What did you expect?

I'm definately not surprised if Thorpe have to put forth a restriction; but that will kill off the whole family value
I will be very surprised if this turns out to have an age limit. It would really be quite stupid. Euro-Fighters are more family orientated, so making it an 18 would be a dumb thing to do.

I think it's just going to carry a horror theme, and have part of it related to Saw. At least, that what I'm hoping.
Hixee said:
I think it's just going to carry a horror theme, and have part of it related to Saw. At least, that what I'm hoping.

Reading this: I agree with you here. Thats the biggest chance, where it will have very little related to the actual series. They've advertised it on the website to look like it has massive connections, so I'm really unsure..

They will have video's playing in the queueline (like Oblivion), at least its bound to. I can imagine Jigsaws head popping up here and then reminding you what you're up for.

I thought Saw was a 15 originally :lol: Now I realise its far from it :p

And yes its a silly choice to go with the restrictions, like people have said before maybe a PG if you're under a certain age.
Saw will be an enthusiasts nightmare but a favourite to the general public.

Thats kinda all that needs to be said, unless the themeing is up to scratch anyway, but like the GP give a ****.
No matter what anyone says about how Saw: The Ride is gonna be the worst thing that ever happened to thorpe. I can see why thorpe did it, i mean its the best selling horror franchise of all time and people like it. Thats two thumbs up IMO.

But I reckon SAW will be much like Maverick, everyone will hate it until it comes out, then, all of a sudden, everyone will love it. Personally I think its a great idea and am really looking forward to next year.

Oh and does anyone know what the age restriction will be?
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