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SCW55's Random Bits Thread. Band Wagon (18/1/17)


Hyper Poster
Who am I? I like doing weird things with regarding coaster design. I also like trying to do sensible things. I like to balance these two.
This is currently what I have been doing in Planetcoaster. You can visit my Steam gallery at http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197997008069/screenshots/.
Here are my favourite screenshots of my PC work.






Right now I am working through the scenarios. I was on the final one, but the recent free updated added three new scenarios. I am doing this so I can get used to the systems. It has been an adjustment, but it has been worth it. Right now I am getting more comfortable with the use of scenery and terrain tools. I may one day start building more interesting station buildings!!!

I hope to revisit some of my favourite projects from RCT3. http://coasterforce.com/forums/threads/scw55s-thread-planet-coaster-calls-18-11-17.34229/ is my old work. I'd welcome any suggestions.
If you liked the look of the first coaster, you can download it here:
I have completed the original career parks. I have completed 2/3 of the Winter career parks.
I decided that I would recreate "Skylark" in the Ultimate career park.
I introduce you to Summer Swallows.






I did not expect how difficult it would be to recreate RCT3 layouts. RCT3 was a lot more restrictive than Planetcoaster. It caused you to be inventive with the layout to overcome these factors. With the liberty found with Planetcoaster, it feels like there is no need for such rigid turns. The one aspect I wanted to transfer was the in-line twist above the station (a tribute to Swarm). Skylark originally was meant to be a happy Wingrider (there was a common theme of death and destruction with Wingriders). I felt like I was forcing in the twist. It was hard implementing it so it looked like it belonged. I also had issues of having the train not be traveling too fast. I also needed the train to gracefully leave the twist. I wanted the Zero G roll over the station entrance, but that was not possible. I settled with it going over the lift hill instead.
The original Skylark was a small scale "open" B&M wing rider. The new Summer Swallows is closer to Nemesis.
I had a lot of fun building the station. I wanted the station to be themed after a British barn. So I used Google on my phone and referred to a picture I found. I think the outcome looks lovely in its minimalism. I like minimalist buildings, mainly because I find the controls for placing ornaments in PC fiddly. I just about endured placing some fake guttering.

I think this was a success. The only drawback is that I had to mutilate the track a little to conform the criteria of having over 4.0 fear. It helped in some places but made other bits lose their grace.
This is the download link to the layout: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=832693321
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First things first, I completed all the career modes! The last park I completed was Cavernous Coasters. It is so challenging.
I learned how to use triggered scenery on a blueprint Tophat coaster.




It's very satisfying seeing it come together. I recommend trying it out!!!
I have started a park. Like it seems with everyone else playing, it's snow themed!!! I produced a lot of fun snowy parks in RCT3, and I hope to return to that realm of fantasy.
To make it interesting, it's also a challenge park. It's not a sandbox. Meaning I have financial and research restraints. These restrictions force me to be creative outside of my comfort zone. I have a nice blank space in a corner of this coaster layout, but I cannot use my go-to flat ride. I guess I have to use what I can.

The base theme is snow. But within that theme, I can branch out into various directions. In the gentler area, I have a more rustic feel. In the thrilling direction it's closer to science fiction. Here is a teaser of what I have done so far.

The park itself fits nicely together. Just this screenshot is a little way out. I wanted to place a flat in that corner. This is not my first choice, but I like how the ride looks like it swings over the track.

I am building the park modularly. I place an attraction and theme the immediate area. Any dead space is appropriately filled.
Because this is also a challenge mode, I cannot just place everything I want. The current tactic to succeed with the aging system is to stagger the ride building. Wait until your last ride gains the "aging" status. This helps my immersion more, since this may better represent how Theme Parks expand. They don't simply build and open a ride as soon as they have the money. They open the rides at the beginning of seasons.

This is the coaster I wish to recreate. I felt like I had conjured a good sinister short story for the ride. I was also pleased with how the station turned out.