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SeaWorld to end Orca breeding programme

My question - why SeaWorld?

No-one gives a **** about the one at Marineland or the one in Miami or all of the ones in China etc.

It's literally just because it's SeaWorld and it's cool and caring to hate SeaWorld cause someone made a documentary about it you saw on Netflix one time.

I aint read the War and Peace that's gone on here but SeaWorld is an incredible zoo and is the last place that should be attacked by all these people. Go after the bad zoos first why don't you rather than leaving them alone and attacking those doing it right!
mouse said:
I never claimed to be an expert on animal training, however they are trained it doesn't justify them being in captivity. I've already explained my reasoning for being against Sea World and its killer whales so won't repeat anything. You can respond with as much Sea World apologist spiel as you want, but I just don't think that this:

Will ever be an adequate replacement to this:

Especially when there is no longer a good reason to keep them in captivity.

But hey, I have a feeling the practice will die out in time thanks to Sea World ending their breeding programme. So thats good :wink:.


They jump in the wild too you know ;) That's it jumping over 10ft while attacking a dolphin.

Mouse if you think Orca's should not be showed off in this way you're fine with dolphins, seals etc doing it still?
LETS TALK ABOUT LOLITA... An orca at Miami Seaquarium! IN FLORIDA.

She was caught in 1970. She and a male whale named Hugo lived together in the "Whale Bowl" at the park for 10 years.

Until Hugo committed suicide by repeatedly ramming himself into the wall of the tank!

This tank is 80-by-35-foot (24 by 11 m) by 20 feet (6 m) deep. Lolita remains in it, alone, till this day. This tank is smaller than the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) standards for size requirements for an animal of her size! It's the smallest orca tank in the USA, but not the world.

Whilst everyone's attacking SeaWorld for their outstanding care, this animal could be getting attention and help. Freeing her back to the wild isn't an option imo, but maybe introducing her to SeaWorld's facilities is? I dunno. It's just tragic either way, and honestly I'd rather she was put down than continue to live miserably alone there.
^ Yay, I agree with you :P. If you google Lolita you will see that she is still getting a lot of attention, theres all sorts of petitions and websites campaigning for her.
Thing is, most people are not against Sea World, they are against the practice of keeping killer whales in captivity. Sea World is at the heart of that, so inevitably will get the most attention. I agree that of all the parks Sea World provides the best conditions for their orcas, but they are still not adequate. I'm glad that Sea World is the focus of the campaigning, they are the largest company, hold the most orcas captive, and supply orcas to many other parks. To damage their captivity programme damages the captivity programme for all captive orcas.
Dave said:
They jump in the wild too you know ;) That's it jumping over 10ft while attacking a dolphin.
I know they jump in the wild, you can't deny they're jumping in slightly different settings though :wink:

Dave said:
Mouse if you think Orca's should not be showed off in this way you're fine with dolphins, seals etc doing it still?
By principle, probably not. I don't think they have the same priority as orcas but I'm definitely not fine with it. Don't know as much about them tbh.

This topic is about the orcas at Sea World though, can we stop trying to constantly divert the argument?
No because if you're against orcas being in captivity but not dolphins you are a hypocrite. If you are not against other, much worse parks, you're a hypocrite. This isn't diverting the argument it's looking at the whole picture and picking apart the flaws in your thinking.

Why are you not focussing on other intelligent animals as well?

Explain WHY it is only orcas you care about other than you've seen Blackfish and Free Willy made you cry as a kid.
mouse said:
Crazycoaster said:
And can it be argued that these animals don't roam these incredible distances because they want to, but purely out of necessity? If they don't travel miles and miles, they starve to death. Not exactly a better way to live than in an environment dedicated to your care.
Are you suggesting all animals should be in captivity then? They have adapted to travel that distance, to suddenly deprive them of that instinct causes distress – they don’t understand the concept of a ‘choice’ as to how they get their food. Captive elephants are different as they have been kept captive for much longer, and have been passed through zoos for many more generations – they’re practically domesticated.

I wasn't suggesting all animals should be kept in captivity no, I'm simply stating thatit isn't quite as barbaric ffor those animals in captivity at SeaWorld as you make it out to be.

And I'm sorry, but saying that captive elephants is different because they've been in captivity longer is such a ridiculous argument. By that very logic, you support SeaWorld continuing their breeding program for years and years until we've had them in captivity as long as elephants. Because by then it won't matter because "They're practically domesticated'.
The fact is that SeaWorld are a world leader in animal care... Whether you disagree with keeping orcas captive on principle or not, regardless as to whether you think no tank is large enough, SeaWorld have an outstanding level of care for all their animals. This isn't opinion, it's fact. Regardless of whether you think captive orca research isn't valuable to wild animals (spoiler alert, it is), the company spends MILLIONS on conservation and research of wild orcas, along with hundreds of other species. The level of veterinary care, nutrition, psychological assessment, enrichment and exercise given to the orcas in particular is higher than that most humans receive.

It matters greatly that SeaWorld is the ONLY organisation much of the criticism is aimed towards, because it sends a horrible message that their animal care is sub par. If you're against orcas in captivity, fine, be against it... Focus attention on seeking the best lives for those currently in captivity.

Demonising companies whom standards of care are outrageously high is dangerous. We risk loosing them, for one, and the work they do. Meanwhile, **** zoos worldwide continue to mistreat and abuse.

If you look up the recent news about ceasing breeding at SeaWorld, a number of science journals are saying the decision is not in the species best interest or "based in any science". Just saying.

Oh and yeah you really do not understand domestication... Elephants are not domesticated. Neither are lions. Neither are many pets, such as parrots.

I seriously suggest you go research elephants in captivity. They're an actual legitimate concern.