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^^^ <3!!!

I really, really need to get myself to Canada, that snow looks immense! Thanks for those photos, I've been wowing my family with them XD
^ Haha it's weird because it's JUST here, an hour East and there's almost none, an hour West and there's also almost none. But hey, come stay here haha, we have a big hill on campus and we take the cafeteria trays and sled down it on them :p

Getting worse.. luckily we plowed. <3
Goodness. That's something that I would expect to see when I go to Blue Mountain in February, but not in early December!
We usually stay at the Grand Georgian, and I have no idea how much it costs. Last time, we stayed somewhere else though.
It's meant to snow on and off for the next four days but nothing as severe as what we had. Basically the storm capped around 150cm (4.5 feet), so was pretty nuts. School opened back up today which is amusing because it's a study day so nobody has classes anyway. Yay for four days off.
I promise this much snow isn't a regular thing down here, haha. We got half a season's worth of snow in just that one storm :p . Sucks that I couldn't really play in it, thanks to EXAMS, ugh.
Well it's pitch black here with a hint of hail! Odd when it's reported we are going to have snow!
Yeah, it's gone black as night here as well, and is sort of intermittently hailing, sleeting and generally making outside look as uninviting as possible. I don't like it.
Heavy snow still apparently forecast for the early hours of Saturday, but hopefully it will change its mind about that - this is NOT a time of year when I'm keen to be stuck at home! :)
Karen, you keep yours South, Will you keep yours North and I'll sit in the middle basking in the sunlight :p
I'm trying to persuade it to go further North, to people who deserve a nasty climate, but I've never been much of a weather whisperer :)
Yeah, well you've both failed. Black here as well now. Keep your bloody weather to yourselves in future please :p
Gazza said:
Well, no snow here, but I cant sit here and let everyone else whinge about the weather

There's always time to complain about the weather. ESPECIALLY when you're in a Caravan! :p