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Star Trek - The New Film!


Hyper Poster
W00t! I just watched a sneak of Star Trek! :D:D

I think I'm having a geekasm :p.

It's fantastic. So much of the film is dynamic, between the character development and the imagery it barely stops to take breath.

It introduces and mixes the characters wonderfully: they're all great, Pegg's scottish accent is suitably awful (he really needs more screen time!), but my favourite is Karl Urban as Bones, he does a great job.

The plot feels a little like a Next Gen episode, and not really that original - but I think it's actually doing something sneaky that I don't want to spoil.

The FX are magnificent - anyone whinging about CGism can bugger off, they've really gone to town on them, making everything feel substantial and impressive.

It's all about the characters though, and between the writing, casting and acting they've pulled it off. I want more! :p

^Sounds good. I'm going to see it on Friday.
I've never been interested AT ALL in Star Trek as I find it boring. But this new film does looks great and it's got a few actors in it that I think are great. They're really trying their best to bring in new audiences and to make it more modern and up to date.

How easy is it to understand for someone who knows fudge all about Star Trek Slayed?
^I'm on the same boat. I have no interest in Star trek or know anything about it other than a few characters and find it crap normally, but this film intrests me simple because of the cast. Zach looks absolutley perfect for Spock. Having Simon Pegg in it aswell sounds odd for a film like this to me, but whatever if it works.

Look faward to seeing it at some point!
^^My fiancée's never managed to sit through a Trek film before, and she enjoyed it :D.

If you're truly innocent of all the characters, you'll miss the fun all the fans will have comparing them, but they're worth watching in their own right.

If you like it, go watch Wrath of Khan; it's still the Daddy, but then it's an absolute classic ^_^.
Slayed, can I ask how you got to see it?

I hate Star Trek,
It's for nerds
It's boring
It sucks
It's stupid


...but you can't help but think that the new one looks ****ing epic! :p

Bring on Friday!. :D
^ In agree, Ollie. Star Trek is for the lowest of all geeks, I mean, I don't even swing that low.

But the new film looks epic, and I'll probably wait till it comes out on DVD until I watch it.
^Harsh! Star Trek started 30 years before you were even born, so it's not surprising that the old stuff doesn't resonate - it's still a good concept though, and I'm pretty certain the "reboot" will be a big success.

They've clearly done a fantastic job selling the new film anyway - you all detest the franchise yet you're looking forward to seeing it! :lol:

Ollie, my local cinema had a mystery screening which turned out to be Star Trek - we had no idea going in what it was XD.
Yeah but the idea is now, if you have to look a little for them you might also see something else worthy of posting in, rather then just glancing at the top topics....

And less of the trashing Star Trek fans thank you very much. People don't like it when they get trashed for being a Coaster Enthusiast and then in the next breath slate a different groups of fans. Hypocrite much... (especially after they were the one exhibiting an extreme cream-fest for a certain horror-attemptedtobe-themed coaster)

I still can't decide if I even want to see the new Star Trek. Similarly I am not sure about the new Terminator either. I can't stand it when films try too hard and in the end just manage to distort the original concept and basically destroy any sense of continuity...
I'm not sure about the new Star Trek film...I mean the only Star Trek I followed was Voyager (I know...dyke much!?). So on't really know that much about the others....I probably won't go cinema to see it...but then the special effects could be worth it...maybe
Mark said:
I still can't decide if I even want to see the new Star Trek. Similarly I am not sure about the new Terminator either. I can't stand it when films try too hard and in the end just manage to distort the original concept and basically destroy any sense of continuity...

Yeah, but, Helena...
Star Trek 9/10

Whoa, that was frikkin' awesome. I've always liked Star Trek but never been a huge fan, but that is perhaps the best sci-fi film I have seen since I watched Alien back in 2007. Syla... I mean Quinto is awesome as Spock and Pegg despite acting as blatant comic relief is genuinely funny. Only criticism I would really have that isn't minor, is it possibly uses a tiny bit too much CGI (It is superb in the film, but sometimes I like a little bit of traditional filming) , but that seems to be inevitable in any big budget action film like this nowadays.

If you like any of the Star Wars, I'd recommend you see this. (And to be fair you don't have to know anything about Star Trek at all to enjoy it.)

And lol at people calling Trek nerdy despite the fact they are posting on a roller coaster forum! Surely it can't just be me who sees the hypocrisy in that?
Okay okay, to be fair I haven't seen Star Trek and have no idea what it is about, but back in grade eight, my teacher had all of these star trek posters and some of them creeped me out.

Star Wars I've seen, just never liked it.
Hurray for topic splittage! :)


I'm stoked. I'm probably a secret trekkie, I dunno?

I was a massive Sci-Fi fan in the 70's (Nadia would say I'm still massive :p ). I used to watch all kinds of fantastically trashy 50's/60's B movies and... Star Trek (it was never as good as Blake's 7 mind ;) ).

I watched the series as a little 'un, then saw pretty much all of the movies on the big screen (I think I missed Search for Spock and Voyage Home).

I saw the first three series of Next Generation before going to uni. I stopped watching TV at uni, but joined the "Cult TV" society. They showed all the Next Gen stuff over the next few years. I never bothered watching it, and the whole thing had become far too serious and geeky for me to enjoy.

I still watched stuff when it was on, and went to see the films (in a balaclava). I saw the whole of Voyager on a repeat on Sky 1. It started just as I got in from work and at the time, I was living on my own for a few months so got to see it right through. It's amazing what boredom does to you :)

Anyway, it's certainly an "acquired taste", and the entire geekiness around it is really off-putting. The new film looks superb though, and I'm going to drag Minor_Furie off to it :)

It'll be interesting to see what they've done. Fortunately, I'm not all precious about the original series or anything, I view it all as pure entertainment and I don't give a stuff about continuous time lines and things - I just want to be entertained by big space ships and adventures beyond our solar system :)

Oh, and Taylor sucks! :p
Went to see it yesterday afternoon at a digital screening.

It was awesome, quite long but the story never slows down, so many great scenes. It has to be the best sci-fi film I have seen in a very long time (prob since I saw Serenity for the first time). The special effects were absolutely amazing and sometimes they were so good that you didn't think "hey, that's some awesome piece of CGI". The visuals in general were stunning and the story was great, it was slightly complicated at times but it was dealt with in such a way that you could understand it. The actors were brilliant too and they included Nimoy in such a wicked way, it worked perfectly. There are apparently a lot of references to past episodes and films but as I haven't seen anything Star Trek related before I didn't recognise anything (apart from Nimoy obv). So yeah an excellent film which is intelligent, thrilling and at times, amusing.

Rating: 4.5/5