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Star Trek - The New Film!


Appearently, the fans don't like it...Yes, I know it's the Onion...
Pokemaniac said:
Apparently, the fans don't like it...
Hah! I've seen the occasional full-on Trekkie whinge about how it "abuses" the old characters and the original show ethos, but they're the raving nerds. 95% of reviewers have been very very happy :).
Just got back from seeing it.

Have to say... I loved it!
It was well paced, had great scenes, good actors, lots of funny scenes, lots of action.
Just everything you expect from a good film.
Spock was good but it was hard to look at him without thinking of Sylar (from Heroes). Simon Pegg made a great Scotty. Really funny and provided alot of 'laugh out loud' moments. The CGI was really good although I felt that giant red spider thing ruined it as it looked sooooo fake and cartoony that the scene just became funny.
It's a great film and is good to bring new people into it. I knew nothing about Star Trek before watching it and still enjoyed it.
There were still a few confusing bits.
That red bubble blob thing. I didn't fully understand what that did. And also why everyone on that big octopus shaped ship look the same? It seemed they killed the main bad guy but then it cut to him alive (different person though) somewhere else on the ship.

Still, I highly recommend it and it was great to watch. :)

Awesome. 'nuff said.

And Taylor, don't talk bad about it, since it's a lot better then half the stuff you watch. Storywise, at the very least :)
Don't know how long that took to put together, but time well spent my friend. :lol:
UC said:
And there you have it - how not to make an ass of yourself, in ten easy steps!

Actually.. I'm pissing myself laughing here at the amount of effort you went to, knowing that, like me, Slayed can't watch videos while at work. So you've managed to make an ass of yourself making so much effort :lol:

He was basing his comment on Pokemaniacs comment, not on the actual video :lol:

The only reason I knew it wasn't a real video about fans not liking it is because of further comments. Otherwise, I'd have thought it was a real whinge of fans too. Thankfully I didn't get a chance to post too quickly :)

Anyways, I went to see it with Minor_Furie last night. We both enjoyed it. It's leave your brains at the door action/adventure.

I'm not keen on Abrams directing though. A lot of the shots are rehashed from his other films and the camera work is shoddy at times.

However, he keeps the pace up nicely so you tend to miss it. Giving you what he wants, entertainment.

The story was very cliched, but again, it's leave your brains at the door entertainment.

Alongside Transformers, it gets a 6/10 for the actual film, but an overall 8/10 for being great fun and entertainment.
It was all going so well, right up until the time that Kirk ended up on Delta Vega, then it all started unravelling from there on in, which is a shame as it was exceeding my expectations until that point.

Now I come to think about it more, there were problems before that, such as the fight on the drill, why were they using melee weapons when surely more advanced technology is to hand?

Also, another annoying point was the amount seemingly arbitrary battlefield promotions that were handed out.

Overall, I liked the film and what they've done with it, I think the reason it fell apart at the end is because they had to focus on the Villian, which the film didn't want to do as it had enough work establishing the main characters' backstory.
Jesus UC, your posts should be in MSPaint, I actually read that one.

Saw it today, ****ing owns, enough said.
Stone Cold - you forgot to take out your brain! Big mistake! ;)
I admittedly am a trekky and found the new movie to be a great refresh for the Star Trek franchise.

Not the same philosophical Star Trek of old, but the added action helps give Star Trek more appeal to those originally turned off by the technical talk and jargon.

Bottomline, people are actually asking to watch Star Trek with me!!!!!!! :razz:

It was a good movie that I recommend everybody watch.
Went to see it last Sat and it was excellen, beign old enough to remember the original, I think this was very well done indead, especialy the new Spock and Scottie.

Just need the is The Firms Star Trekking song then that makes it complete

