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Swarming Up For The Season | Trip Reports

Sadly not going to have time to do a full report of the day, so instead I'll just throw up my best pictures of the day with some captions.


Started off the day on this.


Usual faff between rides, catching up with old friends and making new ones.


@Ian performing his wonderful Loggers Leap memorial poem.


Nemesis Inferno! With excellent, super shady, in-queue quiz.


Hard to resist with interlocking corkscrews.


Over to Stealth, next.




Weather improving by this point.


Post TWD faff.


Colossus was... shakey.


Waiting for the rest of the group to get off Rush.


@Ben and @Smithy on their way up.


Looked like he enjoyed that.


More of @Ben, this time on Depth Charge.


@nadroJ's turn.


Finishing up with Stealth.


Art shot of the day for me, I think.


Walking for our group photo and final rides on Swarm.


Final prize giving, faffing and goodbyes!


One last shot of Stealth against the sunset.

Again, thanks to everyone for a wonderful day! Photo competition voting will be going Live tomorrow or Thursday. :)
I had such a good time on Sunday, just a list of some of my favourite parts-
Ian's Loggers Leap poem RIP
Collectively hating DBGT
Minimal queues
Stealth still being the best cred in the UK
Guess the cred
Name Badges and all the Taron love
Seeing all the regulars and of course meeting so many people, all the newbies I spoke to were all lovely and definitely fit right in with CF. Thank you to Serena for organising a fab day and I can't wait to see you all again soon.
Thoroughly enjoyed this live. It has been a few years since I've been on a live so it was nice to see all the familiar faces and of course the new ones.

I liked what they've done with X, last time I rode it there were lasers and stuff. The walking dead theme has given it a new lease of life.

My younger brother use to be scared of coasters... but he did all the creds at Thorpe! He is now obsessed with them and doing my head in haha. He wants to go again and we're already planning a trip to Alton in the next couple of weeks. Thanks to CF you've turned my brother in to an enthusiast!

I'll be at the Blackpool live, see you all soon. Can't wait!

Thanks Serena and to anyone else who has put the effort in to organising these lives.

As promised, the remaining on ride photos:
stealth 1.jpg stealth 2.jpg

@Mushroom unfortunately, the fish camera didn't capture back row properly. Can just about see our torsos and hands though. Did ask photo op to try and edit shot but still got photo of row in front instead...
This Live was ****ing great.
It's been years since I attended a Live and even longer since it was THAT good.
It was so full of nostalgia, fun and just general CF goonery.

The lack of queues, the care free attitude, the best company with so many old friends. (Great to see such a large turn out of old and new, just how it should be!)
I felt like I had taken a tumble back to the 2006 era of lives! (Jesus has it been that long).

Thanks to all involved and to the fabulous organisation (Yay, Serena!).

Would recommend to a friend.
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