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Tele2 Insane, Intamin ZacSpin for Gröna Lund



Gröna Lund are set to do one of their biggest investments in their history.
They are building a 50m SEK (7m $) Intamin ZacSpin.
It will be 35 meters tall, run at 60 km/h speeds and pull around 3.5 g's. So it will be a lot larger then the other installations made of this type (Kirnu and Inferno).

To make room for this coaster in the park they have been forced to remove their Swinging Ship (it will be moved to another park that the chain owns).


Source: DN [Swedish]

There are also hints about a planned expansion of the park...
That drop tower looks delicious. :p

...oh that's what we're meant to be looking at. Kinda looks like someone's gone crazy with K'nex. :lol:
^ Yeah that drop tower is awesome, especially the stand-up floor-less tilt side.

But it looks like I have to get back there next year.
Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Jättekult.

Now TusenFryd HAS to get something to prevent all the parkgoers going to Sweden. The fact that TusenFryd literally is 50 meters off the main road Oslo-Swedish border also makes it possible to get all parks in a weekend.
Denmark this year, Sweden 2009?

That article said:
Skara sommarland och Kolmården ska också få nya berg- och dalbanor till nästa säsong.
AKA Skara Sommarland and Kolmgården will also get new coasters for the next season.
This makes me excited.
That looks like it has the tallest drop in the world? .... :evil: I Joke... I joke...

It looks yummy though, has a pretty messed up layout.
These remind me a lot of what Turbulance was going to be for Hershey, except pobably a little bit better.
Seems like a good idea for this park, and really any small park that can afford one.
My credit! All mine next year! Not my most anticipated Intamin in Sweden, but looks decent.
A fairly 'cheap' large coaster, if that makes any sense, I reckon?

It does look like the type of roller coaster that I would want to ride, because it delivers a unique experince, but I can't see it being one of the best coasters in the world.

Nevertheless, a nice addition I would say! It doesn't look like that type of park to rake in the cash, so a great coaster for a small park most definately!
Well I'm glad concept art isn't draw to the exact design, as the seats would hit the station haha.

I've been on inferno and it wasn't the best ride in the world but either way it was a fun ride and its nice to see a new (slightly longer) design.
Yeah, It's good to see another one of these get off the ground, and a bit more fleshed out at that.

Personally though, instead of a 'stacked' layout that is a compact little unit, I'd eventually like to see an out and back layout with just a bunch of those insane hills in a row....On X one of my favourite parts was the hill where the seats do a somersault, this seems to be able to accomplish that well, so why not do that a few times?
If their are any better Renders, I might be able to create this in NL like I did with the other Zac Spins.
Gazza said:
On X one of my favourite parts was the hill where the seats do a somersault, this seems to be able to accomplish that well, so why not do that a few times?

Because the seats on the outside spin freely. They are not controlled like Arrow/S&S 4D's
Linus said:
If their are any better Renders, I might be able to create this in NL like I did with the other Zac Spins.
Is this large enough? I can get you a 27 times larger picture if you want :)



Foto: Gröna Lund

Gröna Lund will launch the "Insane" web page where you will get all the facts and also apply as a test rider. It will open on the 20:th.
Dave said:
Gazza said:
On X one of my favourite parts was the hill where the seats do a somersault, this seems to be able to accomplish that well, so why not do that a few times?

Because the seats on the outside spin freely. They are not controlled like Arrow/S&S 4D's

Im well aware of the free spinning aspect. If you look at videos of Kirnu and Inferno the moment when they flip is on that final little hill, the balance of the vehicle means they would naturally want to flip at the top of a hill, hence if you built repeated hills you would end up with flips at the top of each one with any luck.
I'm a bit glad I didn't end up going there this year now!

Always thought those ball-spin-zac-coasters were a bit on the short side, but that said I'd love to try one and find out what they're all about.