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WARNING: Just tried the ps3 version of DMC4..

It took 25 (!?!?!?!) MINUTES to install before we could actually play the thing!

That's longer than a spectrum game took to load...
^It didn't take me that long to load. :?
I'm actually supprised with DMC4 as I thought that it was going to be absolute balls.
The graphics are amazing and the gameplay is hard. :lol:
But the fighting can get a bit repetitive until you get a new attack or skill. :)

Didn't think much or Turok though. You ran out of ammo really quickly, and when you are forced to use the knife it's really difficult to use. The graphics arn't all that special, and the game follows a set path rather than free-roam.

Given the choice out off the two i'd choose DMC4 easily. :D
Coaster Ollie said:
^It didn't take me that long to load. :?

Go on then.. how long did yours take to install? 25, 20, 15 minutes?

even 5 minutes is too long! But 25 minutes here.. that's UNBELIEVABLE!

That's the problem with the bluray.. seek times are terrible.

(Personally i'm against any console games installing themselves.. i just want to plug in and go.. installation is for pc games.. which is why i stopped playing them!)

"Additionally, the PlayStation 3 requires the user to install the game, taking 20 minutes, which shortens the length of the loading screens throughout the game. A slide show is shown during the installation process, which introduces characters from previous games in the series."

I hope all games don't go down this route, thats the first I'd heard of it.
I heard about it the other day. Doesn't make you do it on the 360 though...

Anyway, played demos of both DMC and Turok. DMC would be a brilliant game for me if the camera wasn't so ****ed up. I'm trying to run, the camera switches if I step near an item/object, and my direction is skewed. And Turok. Less said the better.

Anyway i'm glad that i'm not the only one that thought Turok sucked. :p

I recomend getting Guitar Hero 3 and joining Coasterforce's band. :headbang:
Currently playing Theme Park for the DS its great makeing the guests pay thousands of quid for a crap theme park :lol:

Mr bell is currently being an annoying TWAT :lol:

^I'm playing that at the moment.
But everyone keeps saying that they're tired of walking and theres no way to reduce that. :(
And they keep saying that i'm making too much profit when i'm only making about $80 profit max on each item.

Still good fun though. :D
The original Xbox sucked, the Xbox 360 is decent, the PS3 is the Sega Saturn of the new millennium.

Nuff said.
Homer said:
The original Xbox sucked, the Xbox 360 is decent, the PS3 is the Sega Saturn of the new millennium.

Nuff said.

This might well be the best post I have ever read on this forum.

I kinda liked the crapiness of the original Xbox tho, I mean whats not to like about a big ugly box that is almost bigger then your TV! :p
Coaster Ollie said:
Lets just leave the arguments about which console is best to Yahtzee. :D

I'm not arguing.

I'm stating facts. The ps3 is overpriced (due to bluray trojan horse) and not as powerful machine with slow load times, no decent games, and 360 ports which run like slideshows in comparision..

but it'll still outsell all the others by the end of the year.. because it has the "sony" name on it.

Same as people keep buying all other overly expensive sony products just because of the sony name
Everything Sony makes is quality material.
You ask any television studio, or equipment stores and they'll say the same.

And The 360 is now more expensive than the PS3. :p
PS3 is overpriced?


I forgot you have to pay for your online subscription.

I also seem to have forgotten about having to pay for you 40/60/80gb of storage space.

Oh, and silly old me also forgot about paying for batteries every time the control runs out of charge.

The PS3 is still new technology in comparison to the 360. Developers are still exploring it's capabilities, whereas they are already being restricted by the 360's.

But hey, not that Clam is showing any bias in his views folks ;)
Ketchup said:
This might well be the best post I have ever read on this forum.
You read it here folks, all bow down to me. :p

The reason why the PS3 has a "remote chance" these days is due to the fact its the cheapest Blu-Ray player out there. Since HD-DVD is starting a slow death and Blu-Ray is still gaining momentum, thats why the PS3 lately has been gaining some steam. If it weren't for that and the hype for a few exclusives (MGS4, Little Big Planet, etc.), the PS3 would just flat out suck.

I compared the PS3 to the Saturn for a few reasons:

1. Both consoles made by well-established gaming companies.
2. Both had "horrible architecture" (as in hard to develop games for, thats why developers are mainly going for the 360).
3. Both consoles have some "niche games" (Saturn had a few fighting games, Panzer Dragoon, etc.; PS3 has MGS4, Final Fantasy 13)
4. I wouldn't be surprised if Kaz Hirai comes out and says "The PS3 was a stillbirth." Much like Sega CEO's stating the Saturn was a stillbirth when the Dreamcast was first announced. By the time of the PS4, I doubt Sony would go too far ahead.

Everything Sony makes is quality material.
1. *cough* PSP's making kids pants go on fire? *cough* ( http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/1523 ... 0202062008 )
2. Nintendo Game Boy that was bombed in the first Gulf War that still works. Nintendo, you know how to make some durable sh*t. ( http://www.crunchgear.com/2007/01/03/bl ... -gulf-war/ )