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The Games we play...

ECG said:
So rumor has it that since EA was suspiciously absent from the Sony PS4 announcement extravaganza, that EA & Microsoft are going to enter into an exclusive partnership with the next generation Xbox console. With Battlefield 4 looming on the horizon, as well as Respawn's first game due to make a showing at E3, perhaps EA will be rolling out one or both of those big guns for the next Xbox. It also appears to be a sure thing that Microsoft will be readying the next Xbox's first showing before E3.

I have no doubt the moment Sony and Activision got together that EA and Microsoft had meetings to discuss their future together excluding Sony.

EA have gone on record to say they fully support the PS4 and have hinted at Battlefield 4 running on the PS4:
http://www.joystiq.com/2013/02/27/ea-cf ... ng-on-ps4/

It's more likely to just be that Microsoft can claim exclusive content as we've seen in the past and we've seen with Activision and Sony. I think the only thing which is an issue is release schedules. If the PS4 hits before Christmas and EA have games ready to roll, but the NextBox isn't out until maybe Easter next year, will EA hold off on potential sales waiting for MS to get ready?

Obviously if EA aren't heading for PS4 release titles, it's not an issue :)

Also from Joystiq, an interesting little thing here from the guy who made Retro City Rampage. He's essentially confirming what I've been saying for ages - the best place for developers is with Sony. Though they don't all do fantastically, they're the better company in terms of support and you've got more chance of making a sale, plus it's cheaper to release. I guess this will improve on the PS4 with the easier to code for hardware:
http://www.joystiq.com/2013/02/27/retro ... team-xbla/

It's just a shame that Sony constantly screw up with their network processes - which the PS4 will also rely on. Though to be fair, the US doesn't get the problems the same way the EU does. SCEA is a much more professional and well funded company than SCEE which seems to be full of incompetent muppets and bad business decisions.
Pay to be Gay.

It's EA Joey, they're just trying to get the appeal of the LGBT community to make another clump of money.
Wii Mini - whats the point?

£80.00 and crucially "Please Note: The Nintendo Wii Mini cannot connect to the Internet or play Nintendo Gamecube games. "

Was this Nintendo's back up plan if the original Wii hadn't sold as well as it did to prolong its lifespan? The Wii was fantastic Nintendo, but let it go and focus on the Wii U, it needs all the attention it can possibly get, not **** like this.
OK so Joe Danger is actually quite fun :) I imagine it could get repetitive but it doesn't seem a huge game so shouldn't be too much of a problem.

DOA5 is just a fighting game - hate fighting games, fighting games with a ridiculously long story in between (and a trophy for NOT skipping the movies sucks) just makes it even worse. This will be getting deleted ASAP.

Haven't got enough space for Mass Effect 3 yet :lol: not going to bother upgrading my PS3 HDD now either with PS4 due out in 'Holiday'.
The original Joe Danger was really good fun, but I got bored/struck with tedium before I got all the way through.

Managed to finally play Vanquish and it was really "meh" so that's gone.

Bioshock 2 I managed to grab 2 hours on as well last night, about the same as I did on the original.

It's not quite as nice as the original and isn't as "haunting", but it's still such a well produced game. The look and feel is brilliant. It's just that the story and game play is pretty "bland shooter" under all the veneer. I'll give it another few hours though definitely and see how it pans out.

Then onto Mass Effect 3 in the next two month's or so :lol:

I like DOA. Of all the fighting games it's the one I get on with most. You can button mash and still win in cool ways with the multi-level level designs. It's uncomplicated to pick up. It IS just a fighting game though and it's unlikely to be a game I play more than once every six months for twenty minutes if I'm bored and in the mood for a fighter. The first PS2 game was one of the only games I had on the PS2 for ages so it got a lot of play - amazingly, this version doesn't look much different to the PS2 one - it was a fantastic looking game at the time and it's not really advanced that much.

At least I completed Ni no kuni so my time is my own once again! :)

Next game purchase for me it Grid 2 on the 360 in May.

Pierre, are you planning on getting a PS4 on launch then? I'm hanging fire to start with to see what the fallout is like after they try to put forward a network based solution in the EU where it's run by a bunch of ill-equipped monkeys. I don't reckon they'll have much of what was promised ready before the console has been out six months. All the remote play stuff I just don't think will work off the bat.

They are carrying on PS+ on the PS4, but no news yet of what it is going to be. I've still got about 30-40Gb on my drive free which I can manage with for another 12-18 months I think and then I'll make my decision when all the cards are on the table.

I'll keep my PS3 though for all the games sitting on it anyway. There's no reason to stick with Sony due to upgrade path, so I'll see what both Sony and MS can offer around my birthday and go from there. Unless I suddenly get lots of money and caught up in the hype of the PS4 :lol:

Spent a bit of time over the last couple of weeks on the Wii-U in Game in town too. Now I've found some better games than Rayman (which is identical to all the other versions :roll: ) it actually looks really nice. The tablet screen is nice, but the on-screen stuff is really pretty too.

There's a lot of worry though. A couple of big retailers are dropping the price of the system without an official Nintendo drop. That suggests they're cutting their losses by trying to shift boxes which is usually followed by them dropping selling the system all together. This happened with the Vita, which means that there's even less chance for a struggling system to get the sales required to give it "in hand" numbers to sway developers - not that Nintendo help matters by falling out with people like EA :lol:

The D-Pad on the Game demo console was also broken. That's a big concern for me. Okay, it's probably had a lot more "heavy" gaming on it than most people will on their personal one, but it probably equates to maybe a year of gaming? It certainly would in our house :lol:

The problem of course is that the tablet thing is an expensive bit of kit to replace. I've had a dual-shock fail after a couple of years and had to buy a new one - £35 is a rip-off. How much are replacement tablets going to be though when the D-Pad stops working? £60? £100? Every 18 months or 2 years?

Yeah, like the PS4, I'll wait around for a bit and see how that one settles in. Still, Nintendo will suddenly sell millions as Monster Hunter arrives :)
The D-Pad just seemed to be in a much more natural position to use, and I guess most people found that too :lol:

I was tempted for a while, then I heard the news about the price drops, then saw the release schedule was blank for the Wii-U again - which is pretty much as it has been since the console was launched :(

I think it'll be like the GameCube where there are a handful of brilliant games that are adored by people, but very little general support.
Gamecube <3

Yeah I think so atm, especially with the countless delays (Rayman and Scribblenaughts) going on over here, it's a bit worrying that even with a poor performance there doesn't seem to be any indication or effort to turn it around... The next games out are literally Lego City (do want) and Monster Hunter (not sure if)...

Then it's back to not much actually confirmed bar Resident Evil Revelations and Injustice, both of which are multi-format so won't exactly do much interesting with the console...

Need to get their big hitters out this Christmas solely to actually compete with the PS4, otherwise it will end up being a Gamecube (not a bad thing, as Gamecube was pretty damn awesome)...
Nemesis Inferno said:
Gamecube <3

Yeah I think so atm, especially with the countless delays (Rayman and Scribblenaughts) going on over here, it's a bit worrying that even with a poor performance there doesn't seem to be any indication or effort to turn it around... The next games out are literally Lego City (do want) and Monster Hunter (not sure if)...

Then it's back to not much actually confirmed bar Resident Evil Revelations and Injustice, both of which are multi-format so won't exactly do much interesting with the console...

Need to get their big hitters out this Christmas solely to actually compete with the PS4, otherwise it will end up being a Gamecube (not a bad thing, as Gamecube was pretty damn awesome)...

I'd MUCH rather have a gamecube than another wii.

Wii just doesn't have enough games that interested me. All it plays is Smash Bros when I'm sick of melee
I see no reason to buy a PS4 anywhere close to launch date.

They said that most of the games would be released on PS3 simultaneously. Grand.

Literally no reason to upgrade until my PS3 becomes obsolete and games stop coming out for it, I have no interest in slightly better graphics or slightly better depths of vision. No interest at all in stalking others gameplay, nor am I looking forward to spending over £100 quid (guestimate) on a touchscreen controller.

Not faffed on EA signing exclusive deals either, between them an Activision the future of gaming will essentially be to produce the most minimalistic of games and charge the end user as much as possible for in-game purchases. Thanks to the hordes of mongs who splash out over £50 and more on Ultimate Team.
The reason I'm looking at a PS4 at launch is my PS3 is still an old phat one, very dated and struggling to read any of the latest games (I'm dreading to think what the 'Last of Us' does to it). Rather than spending any money repairing that piece of junk, get the new model.

I've also got rid of the Vita, ever since I've been back at work I've literally had no time to play it other than trying the free game(s) each month for 30 minutes or so. In fact I only used it for Wake Up Club but I can just use a normal alarm. If it's true what they say about the PS4 'unlocking' the Vita's potential I'll pick one back up then when they're either cheaper or an enhanced model is available.
Pierre said:
The reason I'm looking at a PS4 at launch is my PS3 is still an old phat one, very dated and struggling to read any of the latest games (I'm dreading to think what the 'Last of Us' does to it). Rather than spending any money repairing that piece of junk, get the new model.

I've also got rid of the Vita, ever since I've been back at work I've literally had no time to play it other than trying the free game(s) each month for 30 minutes or so. In fact I only used it for Wake Up Club but I can just use a normal alarm. If it's true what they say about the PS4 'unlocking' the Vita's potential I'll pick one back up then when they're either cheaper or an enhanced model is available.

Even if that new model doesn't play PS3 games?
Pierre have the same as you and my player was having problems reading disks. It finally stopped reading discs this week so had to get a new drive for £45 all sorted now, it's probably your drive going.
Youngster Joey said:
Pierre said:
The reason I'm looking at a PS4 at launch is my PS3 is still an old phat one, very dated and struggling to read any of the latest games (I'm dreading to think what the 'Last of Us' does to it). Rather than spending any money repairing that piece of junk, get the new model.

I've also got rid of the Vita, ever since I've been back at work I've literally had no time to play it other than trying the free game(s) each month for 30 minutes or so. In fact I only used it for Wake Up Club but I can just use a normal alarm. If it's true what they say about the PS4 'unlocking' the Vita's potential I'll pick one back up then when they're either cheaper or an enhanced model is available.

Even if that new model doesn't play PS3 games?

Couldn't give a flying **** about backwards compatibility. I've spent all weekend playing Super Mario World on the ZSnes on my PC (using my DualShock3 as the controller) - if I want to play games of the past, the internet is there <3

Marc, I don't expect anything less from it now to be fair, its done its job, but some games just push it to the limit and I know its on its way out, mentally preparing for the PS4 rather than hanging fire.
Yeah, I feel it might be a risk buying the last of us on it, but I'm gonna go for it.

Another reason I got rid of the Vita by the way is the woeful release schedule :roll:
Pierre said:
Another reason I got rid of the Vita by the way is the woeful release schedule :roll:

It's suffering from the same issue the Wii U is likely to suffer from - too few sold to attract big names.

I've still not completed Uncharted for it and I enjoy Wipe Out. I have a similar problem to you Pierre and it's finding time. I do manage to get on it every so often and enjoy it, but a slow release schedule is fine for me as I'm going to be playing catch up on the PS+ games for years :lol:

Roo probably uses it more than I do for the handful of PSP games he loves that I have on it :lol: Should have stuck with the PSP :)
I've always wondered how some consoles survived with the state of their release day titles. I mean some were doomed from yhe beginning like the virtual boy and others like the were, niche and the PS3 was quite the turn around imo.

I'd say the vita is gunna be like the psp and have a whole bunch of cool but niche titles. With it being download based then no worries about uber rare skyrocket price. Sony'll just charge loads anyway!

Wii U on the other hand. I'm hopeing it's new exclusives give it a lovely kick and hopefully slap nintendo and make them stop the cut and paste mario and zelda and ****.
Been playing OpenTTD, oh god it's actually fun and rewarding to play. It's like rekindled the flame inside that makes you all giddy like RCT does. Probs cause the base game was by the same guy like...

Once you start learning and understanding it it get so much better and it's addicting as hell. Yay for Open Source old games :D