Pierre said:
I've never seen a game other than Call of Duty be so aggressively promoted everywhere, its unreal how much they've put into it really.
It's allegedly cost about $500 million to make and promote - so yeah, they need a success. They claim that pre-orders should bring in about $900 million though, so they're in profit
Pierre said:
Anyway, I'll probably end up with it too, long overdue bonus is coming in next Friday so I'll be finally getting a PS4 - has anyone used Gamestop before? PS4 + Watch Dog's is currently £329...
I have once or twice - they're okay. You WILL need an extra controller - hunt around and you may be able to pick one up for £50. You'll also need to get into the habit of keeping the console on standby with at least one controller plugged in when you're not using it :roll:
There's a "light bar brightness" setting though in power settings tot urn it down which will give you longer on the charge. Also get some thumbstick covers - the Dualshock 4 ones DO degrade - suddenly.
Pierre said:
Saw an advert for Xbox One claiming all the blockbuster titles this year are on Xbox... it showed four, two of them were cross-platform, one was Halo (a brand Microsoft are now dragging across three generations :/ ) and one was Sunset Overdrive. Not really selling it.
Yeah, I wasn't convinced. The bold "Not Actual Gameplay Footage" disclaimer doesn't help either. It makes it look like a Farmville advert or something and you expect a cut down mobile version of the game when you buy it :lol:
Still at least they ARE advertising. I don't think I've seen a PS4 advert since Marvel: Agents of Shield stopped
Pierre said:
I also need some cheapish PSN games to download to keep the other half happy, hopefully there'll be something in the PS+ offering :lol:
Sportsfriends is really good for local two player gaming. There's a really good fun Pole Vault/Tetherball/Vollyball type of game that's ridiculous fun to play. There's also a "group jousting" game when the idea is to make another person (stood up with you) shake their controller too much. It just ends up with you trying to knock their hand, but you lose because you've been too violent doing it. Probably not a game for NFL players to be fair - but great fun otherwise
Playstation All Stars is well worth getting on the PS3/Vita this month too. Much under-rated. Took me a while to enjoy because I was expecting Super Smash Brothers - but it's much more tactical than that.
nealbie said:
I massively dislike shooty games too (and that includes Halo), there's just something about Destiny that has pushed all my buttons
I quite like
some shooty games and can tolerate others if there's a decent enough plot to keep me going. I loved Unreal Tournament and the two Half Life games. Played Bulletstorm and Metro through to the end (plus others I'm sure).
They're all very "solid" though. They just work for me. I tried Boarderlands and Fallout and got nothing from them either. It's a very personal thing and Halo/2/3/4/OTSR (or whatever it was called)/Destiny all play in a way that unpushes my buttons - no idea why