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i'll get it..

in a few months..

something this popular is going to end up with lots of units available 2nd hand..

^Get a PS3 for it. They are tonnes better and the PS3 version runs better as well.

I went to ASDA and Blockbuster today and both were sold out. :(
Coaster Ollie said:
^Get a PS3 for it. They are tonnes better and the PS3 version runs better as well.

No.. that's a lie.

They're both pretty much exactly the same, the ps3 has less pop up, but the 360 runs at a higher resolution.

The only thing to REALLY tell them apart is that the 360 version is going to get downloadable missions in the summer.

Personally i'm going for the ps3 version for my own reasons.. but I do think you guys should stop mis-posting "facts" about which machine/version of a game/etc is better... Thanks.
Tbh I just don't like Xbox because of the controller and the fact you have to pay to play online... BUT for people who do like 360... Big W/Woolies are doing any Xbox plus GTA IV free.

So an Xbox 360 Arcade plus GTA IV at £159.99 = steal.
Sony are releasing an exclusive gta4/ps3 bundle this week for £299

PS3 version of GTA has also been 'confirmed' as getting additional content, by the way.

And Smelly, I'd like to know your personal reasons if I may? Similar to the thing about not giving Microsfot any of your money?
Smithy said:
PS3 version of GTA has also been 'confirmed' as getting additional content, by the way.

Erm.. Where on hell did you read that?

That's complete nonsense AFAIK. Microsoft paid a small fortune for the exclusive rights to have downloadable content for it. So i HEAVILY doubt the ps3 will be getting them too.

And Smelly, I'd like to know your personal reasons if I may?

I've stated earlier - Bluray and the ps3 has more exclusives coming for it i personally want which fit my personal tastes.. all the 360 games i want are going to be mulitplatform to both the 360 and ps3.
Smelly said:
Smithy said:
PS3 version of GTA has also been 'confirmed' as getting additional content, by the way.

Erm.. Where on hell did you read that?

That's complete nonsense AFAIK. Microsoft paid a small fortune for the exclusive rights to have downloadable content for it. So i HEAVILY doubt the ps3 will be getting them too.

I'll find the link in a moment.

And I know Microsoft paid **** loads for episodic content. But extra downloadable content has been, as I said 'confirmed', for the PS3.

Ah, the link.

http://www.gamecollision.com/news/grand ... -confirmed

I put 'confirmed' as it's debatable, but the source is a senior developer of GTA IV, although his words have probably been misconstrued.
bob_3_ said:
Sony are releasing an exclusive gta4/ps3 bundle this week for £299

it's still over £100 more than what i can find for a similar bundle for the xbox360.

Yes, but has been previously discussed, the two are not comparable cost versus 'content'. You get more out of the box with a PS3 - the thing which makes it worth investing the extra £100 is if you feel you require the added extra's you get with the PS3.

I notice Game are being sneaky. You can't buy GTA IV on it's own any more - just bundled with tat they could flog :lol: So they have copies in stock, but are forcing people to take their **** off them they couldn't sell at the same time - classic! :D

I see Sam posted in that link Smithy:
Sam said:
Xbox 360 sucks so much ****en suck, it ****S! It ****en sucks so much COCK sucker mother ****er BULL **** THAT!!!!

But the thing that really mother ****en ass lick balls ass **** **** ass balls BALLS PISSED me off, is that you're a ****XBOX fan talking your **** about Sony PS3!

It's clearly evident that the PS3 swings the bigger cock compared to 360's small tweener :p

But **** off balls **** got hell damn balls boobs **** me BITCH!!!!!

;) :lol:
^^^Which game are you going to thats not true. I work at game and we have loads left yes we have got some tat that we cna sell with em but we not forcing peeps to have em some are quite good deals actually like an extra game for 14.99 or a ps3 pad with 15 quid off but if you wanna buy the game on its own we fine with that we have over 100 copys left for each system. WE did over order and got over 2500 copys for each system thats prob why we have loads left but there still going nearly every customer buys one. The only thing we do thats a bit sneeky is the GTA4 pack with the ps3 the one smelly posted earlier Game have bunged an extra 20 quid on top of it but you do also get GT prolouge too hehe
It's on the website John - they have no copies left of GTA IV in stock - unless you buy it bundled with DMC 4 - or at least that was the case at 9:30 this morning :)

Just checked actually, and they're even out of stock on the tat-packs too! :lol:
I love it when people get all bent out of shape because you don't agree with there opinion (HI JER!).

And with GTA4 out more fun.

Cant stand GTA. all the ones I've played and had a try of were funny at first then they got boring after 5 mins.

Wonder what Team ICO's PS3 project is.
kimahri said:
Wonder what Team ICO's PS3 project is.

It doesn't matter - I'll be buying it :)

As for GTA, I love the games, but only as a sandbox really. I love just bombing around in the cars for hours, doing stupid things. I can spend entire evenings avoiding playing the game :lol: I just love the physics of the cars and just mucking about. I don;t think I've ever completed more than half of any of the games, but I find them great fun to arse around on for a couple of hours every couple of weeks :)
Lol. So in Middlesbrough the following are out of stock of GTAIV;

Big W/Woolworths
Toys R Us
PC World
