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^^I wasnt saying you where tellig porkys lol i ment are you sure you havent been told porkys as we experienced no instal apart from the initial one but after that it was just load times like other games again im not a fan of MGS but i have to ive the game credit for being and looking awsome. On a side note iv been playing some Nintendo ds games this last week as im getting a new limited edition ds on friday from work and have been addicted to Elite Beat Agents at the moment, Yes i know its an older game but its rather cool lol. Also still addicted to grid although still finding la mans hard as nails and indiana jones is still keeping me going to. Im also looking forward to battlefild bad company aswell and think ill be purchasing that aswell, Watch this space for early review hehe
Elite Beat Agents is superb. We're still playing it 12 months on. One of the best DS games there is :)

Glad somebody else is finding Le Mans rock solid! Just one mistake, and you're shafted! I've raced 6 times now, and failed to place yet.

Considering the rest of the game is challenging, but manageable, it's a real drag.
Been playing gta 4 on 360.

Man its boring.

it seems to have lost all its charm and fun and sillyness in the pursuit of pretty visuals... *sigh*
I has a couple of questions regarding COD4 and the G3 in multiplayer.

Is it just me or is there a colision detection problem with it?

I've shot people with it loads of times and it didnt kill them and when it does do something it takes at least a second to register at nigh on point blank range this never happens with any other gun.

So is this affecting any one else or is it just me?
Nah I think GTAIV has got the perfect balance.

GTAIII was fun but storyline was poor and the rest of its life was just doing general GTA fart about stuff.

GTA:San Andreas was too much, having to excercise, get your haircut, eating, it was just so much of a pain in the arse and spoilt the fun of the game.

GTAIV has got a superb storyline, and the fact you can choose your own ways as well so its not limited, and its got loads of neat little touches in it.

However the multiplayer is ****ing bollocks.
kimahri said:
I has a couple of questions regarding COD4 and the G3 in multiplayer.

Is it just me or is there a colision detection problem with it?

I've shot people with it loads of times and it didnt kill them and when it does do something it takes at least a second to register at nigh on point blank range this never happens with any other gun.

So is this affecting any one else or is it just me?

Use the M16A4 instead.

Erm, I used the G3 a few times and I was rubbish with it, but I just assumed that was me...
I suggest everyone with a NDS checks out Super Princess Peach as it's the best game evaaar.
^ Yeah, pisses on GoldenEye, Mario64, Mario Kart (SNES) and Zelda!
kir said:
I suggest everyone with a NDS checks out Super Princess Peach as it's the best game evaaar.

LOL.. I bought that in an airport and completed in on an 10 hour flight over here.

i agree.. it's ace.. but a tad easy.
There IS a collision detection problem on COD4! ah well.

Wii recomendation randomly from me.

Apparently Cho Aniki is avalible on the shoppy place I can't remebe the name of. So if you want one of the most WTF and obscure games ever made go and get it.

Should be interesting doing a spot of cranial gardening with two skimpy dressed body builer peoples with gaping holes in their heads 0_o
kimahri said:
There IS a collision detection problem on COD4! ah well.

probably not collision detection but forward prediction problems.

All online games cheat, fps's especially so (as they have to be quick). Normally when you get shot in an fps the other person may not even be in the same room as you.

What can happen.. Is that the games get out of synch - so on your machine you're in room A and he's in room B. But on his machine you're both in room B. So he shoots you and kills you.

Even though the kill wasnt even possible on your machine - you just immediately presume he was behind you or hidden well or something. If the game has a replay.. that'd be faked too (both will show different replays).

All fps games do it.

In the original (I think) beta of a certain popular fps game it was possible to unplug your network cable - causing everyone to stop still.. Run around killing everyone, plug your cable back in, and they'd all get registers of kills.

Subsequently online fps games are NEVER accurate. They cant be, too much info needs to pass down the lines at a high frame rate for them all to be in synch.

EVEN with the fastest internet connection in the world.. your machine is always going to be a few frames ahead of everyone else and you'll see them a few frames behind. But the reality is no-one has the fastest internet connection in the world - and passing your position, direction, where you're aiming, etc etc 60 times a second aint gonna happen.

So games cheat.. and that's why you're not registering hits you think you should have.

Nowt to do with "collision detection"... Probably just your machine is out of synch with the server - it thinks you're both somewhere different to what you're seeing.
Got a pre-owned copy of Resistance: Fall of Man today.
It may be because I've played COD4 before this that it seems a bit overrated.
The flow doesn't seem right and the environments seem un-natural.
I'll write another little review on this when I complete it.

On a side note. Played the demo of Bad Company today.
Great fun. :p
I got a PS3 with GTA IV and Grid a couple of days ago, with MGS4 to come on Monday.

First impressions are that the PS3 is generally awesome, GTA is a little slow to start, but picks up quite nicely, and Grid is f*cking awesome.

I <3 Grid.
Guess what Lain... You're quite...

The PS3, I still love, as a system. The Wii is cute, and does lots of stuff the PS3 doesn't, but I just love the PS3 - it's just a nice piece of Emperor's new clothing.
Picked up Condemned and Blue Dragon today.

So far they are alright havent played much of either though.

Although Team Fortess 2 is IMMENSE with the right people (me and jer).

Played the demo for 'The Bourne (I think it's Ultiman isn't it? :? )' and am considering getting the full game as the way it does the action is amazing. :p
Ollie said:
'The Bourne (I think it's Ultiman isn't it? :Confused: )'
I don't mean to be an ass or anything, but you have to be kidding me.


Try just searching in there. ;)