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The Games we play...

I got the demo the other day, and it irritated me anyway - I'm not keen on platform games anyway, but I found Indy (and Lego Star Wars) to be a bit funny at times - too finickity. Love the humour though :)

I'm not buying a DS3, so little uses it, and to be honest, I'm not sure that I really miss it too much.
Its a fun game but the only problem I have is you complete the level then have to do it all again as the 1st time you can not have the people you need.

If I dont find this chest soon I will give up though as there is no point.
If you get a bigger hard drive thing for your PS3 (getting a 80CB thing to replace the 20GB one for example) does that mean you loose everything you downloaded from the store?
Is there a way to transfer everything you already have to your new hard drive thing [/knows nothing about hardware] :p
Not played many games as of late as been busy at work but have just gone back to playing uncharted for trophies and i must sau i still love this game and it still looks fantastic. Not much coming out latly though so a bit of a drought on games but i am looking forward to star wars the force unleashed as got to play it when the reps came in to work and have to say its very very good
I'm playing lots of Buzz for trophies, and Superstardust HD for the same reason :)

Will get Drake next week for my birthday... For the same reason, and maybe Warhawk when the patch comes out :)

Only ten more quizzes to write, then I get a trophy for quiz writing! Woohoo!

John, give me a call one night if Tanya wants a game sofa-vs-sofa!

TBH I find this better looking that Final Fantasy XIII.
furie said:
Only ten more quizzes to write, then I get a trophy for quiz writing! Woohoo!

John, give me a call one night if Tanya wants a game sofa-vs-sofa!

I shall be getting this game after playing it at JnT's. I loved it then. I can definately see why you are hooked on it furie. I can't wait to get writing my own quizes! I would get a head start as I have a log in, but wanna wait till I get the game. Then we can play sofa vs sofa vs sofa.... WAHOOT
I won on it hehe. Its better than I thought it would be was even funnier when Tanya then Mark throw a pie at themselves :)
I just uploaded a New Buzz Quiz:
CoasterForce: The Management,

(I have the game now too)

EDIT: I've also now added:
Buffy, Vampire Slayer: Season 1
Buffy, Vampire Slayer: Season 2
Buffy, Vampire Slayer: Season 3
Buffy, Vampire Slayer: Season 4
Buffy, Vampire Slayer: Season 5
Spice Girls: General Knowledge
Last night was fun on Buzz :)

I also bought Lego Star Wars which is good but I dont think its as good as Indiana Jones.

kimahri what is that game you are talking about? I love Final Fantasy games, well I did but the last few have not been that good.
^^^^IT was ace i think i need new batteries for my buzzer though as it kept cutting out and i also kept pressing the wrong button to but it was funny none the less and i got a couple more trophies too yay
The PS3 seriously needs universal voice chat though. Like, last year!

I needed to let people know I'd have another go, but had to just do something quickly. Organising stuff is just too hard (I couldn't drop a quick note to both Mark and John simultaneously and stuff). Grrrr...

Still Buzz was fun, and that first game was so bloody close - just a few points between us all most of the way through. New trophies are always a bonus too :lol: