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Aidan got his 360 back today, or should I say that the kid's new 360 from Microsoft arrived today. They didn't fix his, they just sent him a new one.
So we picked up Mercinairies2: World in Flames and he's been playing the crap out of it all afternoon (after he finished his homework). I've been watching & I can't wait until I get my 360 back so that we can play some co-op together. The xbox360 website says that they repaired my 360 and that they shipped it back to me on Friday, so I should have mine by the end of the week. :)
SW Unleashed releases on the 16th, so I'll definitely have my 360 (or possibly a new one if MS does the same as they did with Aidan's) back by then.
btw - We also bought the new Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise, but the kid won't let the wife play it on his 360 :lol: , so she can't wait for mine to arrive as well.
East Coast(er) General said:
Aidan got his 360 back today, or should I say that the kid's new 360 from Microsoft arrived today. They didn't fix his, they just sent him a new one.

It wont be a new one.. it'll be a "reconditioned" one.

i.e. someone else's machine which has broken down was fixed and you got that back.

.. Problem is, these are almost 10 times more likely to go wrong.

Trust me.. i'm on my 7th (?!?!) replacement...
I'm on my second 360.

And I get the red rings every time the power thing isnt connected properly.

Ah well. Hopefully jerry you'll get your 360 back soon so you can you join us in TF2 madness ^_^

(and when I remeber to add you)

Any way. I was playing Facebreakers in GAME (the same GAME I gave the blokey dude my cv) today at dinner time. It was lol but I dont think it'll last long. maybe be nice for picking it up cheap.
Smelly said:
It wont be a new one.. it'll be a "reconditioned" one.
I knew that. :wink: What I was trying to say is that unlike the last time we sent it in, the he got a different one. The first time we had to send his in they fixed it and sent the same one back.
This is the first time something went wrong with mine and since it wasn't the 'red rings of death', I wasn't sure how long it would take to fix it. I guess we'll see on Friday, when it's scheduled for delivery, if mine was replaced or repaired.
So the kid's 360 was 2 1/2 years old, whereas mine is an additional year older and we're both on our second unit (if mine is also a replacement). I can't believe that your on your seventh replacement. Some luck you have there!
whislt on the topic of the RROD

I got it twice yestureday but with a bit of fiddling with the power thing it started working again.

It was the 3 lights as well :\

Ah well... JERRY ADD MEEEEEEEE! plz?
^You haven't sent me a friend request. Send me one & I'll add you to my list right away (even if I don't get my 360 back until Friday).
YES! Got an invite to demo Motorstorm Pacific Ridge! Woop! Pity I'm away at the weekend :lol:
See I find stuff like that hard to believe after your recent signature farce, had my eyes out!!

Haha Call of Duty : World at War comes out mid-November, when I got Modern Warfare my main task was to get everything done before World at War came out. I'm on level 50 (out of 55) on the 8th prestige (out of 10) and I want to do all the challenges too! I think I'll manage it :D
Excellent Pierre, you should never know when to believe me or not - that way you'll never confidently call my bluff! ;)


And a link too:
http://www.ps3fanboy.com/2008/09/12/eur ... delivered/
You should've said furie.. I have a good mate on that project - he mightve been able to get it to you without this random lottery nonsense.. :lol:
Anyhuws.. s'pose this is game recommendatations.. Just finished BioShock

Fairly average shooter (yet another one) with a decent story tacked on.

Was led to believe it was an rpg by the press - but if this is an rpg, then halo 3 is a game of tetris.

There's no penalty for death, you just respawn a couple of rooms back.. so there's no real skill or "excitement" to playing. Attacking a big powerful guy? Throw some rockets at it.. die.. rspawn.. throw some machine gun bullets at it.. die .. respawan.. repeat until he's dead. Bit crappy really.

Story makes up for it.. but if you want a story.. read a book.

Average in EVERY regard.. and one you complete it (which due to the "death" system wont take long) - you wont feel the need to go back.

Just got my 360 back from MS, or should I say it's replacement. I wonder where mine old one will end up after they repair it?
So send me (gamertag: sidekick) a friend request already. I've only received one from Lewis, so far.
Downloaded The Who, Rush, Red Hot Chili Peppers (all Rock Band) & Foo Fighters (GH3) song packs to jam out to this weekend.
Now if I can just get the kid (gamertag: Aidan Hawk) to hand over Mercinaries2 so I can give it a try...

There is a TF2 game being set up by jer for 12 (7 for you).

I'll add you when I go on but do you want an invite to the game?
^Sure, I'm a little rusty - being w/o my 360 & all - but I'll join in.
Don't worry about being rusty. We usuall piss about and still win :|

But you NEEEEEED a mic. makes it so much bette.

EDIT: Tf2 is off so yah jer is a douche, Still adding you though jerry ^_^
Got the first Motorstorm last Thursday. It's quite good. Not much content though as there are only a few tracks and vehicles. But I like the way there's lots of routes for different vehicles. Mix that with lots of mud then it's pretty fun.

The first few races seem impossible at first but after a few attempts you can make at least third and then you get used to it.

It's good fun but the small amount of tracks lets it down.