spicy said:Let me guess you have to pay for them? Am I the only one who gets annoyed at stuff like this?
It's in lots of games. It's called "premium content". It's a good way of getting more money from people.
These things take time and money to produce, and may be used by (even free) only 20% of the people who bought the game. Why should a company keep on giving away free stuff? It's not like the add ons are something which you MUST have to make the game playable. They just give you something else to add to your gaming experience. If you love a game, then you'll buy more for it.
Imagine buying a big box of Lego. You can make thirty different vehicles from what you get, and it's great. You make them all and have fun. You even make some stuff of your own, and all is good.
Then you get bored. Should Lego provide you extra blocks to extend the life of your product you bought from them? When they release different parts which will compliment what you have (and allow you to make an extra five vehicles), should they just send you the bits for free?
No, you wouldn't expect it. Just because there's no physical item involved, don't think there isn't a cost. If you want to get more out of a gaming experience, then you're going to have to put your hand in your pocket.
It's up to you to decide if what is on offer is worth the asking price. Sometimes it is (some of the LBP packs for instance), sometimes it isn't (some of the LBP costumes).
If something is free, then it's usually for the benefit of the company providing the freeness