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The Red Dragon [POV VIDEO ON PAGE 3]


Giga Poster
I've recently developed a fascination with B&M hypers, with the new wave by Cedar Fair and a great love for the classics such as Raging Bull, Nitro and Apollo's Chariot, I felt inspired to design my own.

The theme and setting is based on my home country Wales and the legend of "Y Ddraig Goch" (The Red Dragon) that appears on the Welsh flag. I'll go into more detail when I release the ride, but for now heres a picture of the newly completed turn-around.


Looks nice so far, however I'm not sure I'm a fan of those colours. The green and the red just don't seem to go.
It doesn't look bad though =/. And isn't it blue and green should never be seen.

or orange and green *vom*.

EDIT, a darker green looks awful, as the red is dark too. If i got that combination right it would be too Nemesis Inferno anyway. I've also tried white... too boring really.
I've tried changing the supports to white. It may be a common colour combination but I can see why, it's alot bolder and neater. Heres a view from Llyn Y Ddraig, the lake that surrounds the coaster.

I'm loving that! The ride fading off into the mist looks great.

Can't really see any supports well enough to say properly, but I think white sounds like a better choice of colours.
I did like the Green & Red, but the white has more of an impact. You can still have green on the trains.

I'm liking the lake setting, very atmospheric. I can see the Apollo's Chariot and newer B&M Hyper influences.
So, the weather's cleared. So I took a few photos =). The station is still under construction. Although I'm not really ready to show it... The finale is also getting some work done, but not to ruin surprises so I've not taken pictures of that. The first half is almost complete, just the work on the lift hill really.


Here is a view from the other side of the peninsula that the helix lies on, this side of the lake is where the ride plaza and queue will be..


Here is the hammerhead turn shining in the sunset. I like this shot as it reminds me of a picture I saw of Intimidator this week.
After brainstorming and getting some ideas down here's the start of the station construction. Alot more has been done since this picture I will show more soon =). Supports are almost done too.

The idea is based around the castle ruins that are dotted around Wales.


Credit to CrazyCoaster.
Here's another picture of the station from the path side. More work has been done but a lot more needs to be done. Andre's off to Disneyland for a week so progress will grind to a slow trickle for a good week, I'll be finishing off the ride and details I can do, but I doubt there'll be much interesting things to show on here.

I don't want to give too much away, but the idea of the station is a medieval castle ruin, it's been renovated to be safe for the ride to be in it and people to walk around, but it's been left in the ruined state from when it was destroyed. The story of it's downfall will be told in the queue. This is the exit side of the station.


Obviously the terrain isn't done, it will be perfected finally, but as the track file is being passed back and forth some work done here, some there, not everything is in place but it'll be sorted at the end don't worry. Also you can see the final corner here peeking through in the background.