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The Staff v. User counting game!

I just had a look back through the pages from the start of this run, and something weird happened around the 222 mark by @Niles on page 773, I actually think we should be one less than what we are so to make this accurate and fair, I'll correct this.

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Ah that was a odd bit where a new member posted the number and a bunch of other ones and was trying to mess it up, then he said a bunch on other topics and I guess all his comments were deleted.

we counted it as he said it then disregarded what else he did.

but it was legit till his comment was deleted so :/
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I feel like since that comment was spam and was since deleted, it shouldn't count towards the run which is why I think the correction is justified. Barely makes a difference though lol. I guess him trying to mess it up sort of succeeded?

Think I know who you're on about, didn't see his posts in here but other posts elsewhere on the forum did seem a bit spammy. Not surprised if he was banned.