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The ^ < V game

^ I have no idea what you're talking about.
< Is planning an exotic weekend at home doing maths coursework and working out why my latest VBscript isn't working.
. .
v Knows why my latest VBscript isn't working.
^ ?????????????????????

< Thinks curry? what curry? we had chinese sweet and sour no curry? It was you really wasn't it Furie.

V is eating food.
/\, cheap supermarket crisps

< yum, salt and viniger

\/ will ask what chaos rain is
/\ better be listening hard

< Chaos rain came from a something I wrote on my organiser a while back in a boring Mats lesson 'chaos shall rain down, about bloody time'. I liked the sound of 'chaos shall rain' and signed it everywhere, and eventualy came up with 'chaos rain', where Chaos will Rain down on us from the sky and drown us all in out hate and sorrow. God I feel Like a Goth.

\/ Happy now?
^ Needs to get out more to have fun at themeparks. I recommend next weekend

< Isn't overly happy... I'm an old goth... :P

V Knows I'm lying and am one of those rare creatures... A happy goth :D
^ maybe you got it off a subliminal message on the front cover of flour babies alain,
let chaos reign
and to fure, has a juggling hamster : P
< is forced to read flour babies for another week or two in class, when hes already finished it OH GOD WHYYYYYYYYYYYY!
v hates the pace the teacher reads at in english too?
^ LOL! Spot on, but not tonight.. Dry... (however am onto 10th bottle of Stella) :)

< Is dry

V Is also Dry tonight...
^ Yes I am dry.
< Does not want to be a Canadian sterotype but is watching cartoons on Ebola World.
v Will not like Ebola World.
^No idea what you're talking about (why do peopeple keep giving me these?).
< Is watching Celebrity Wrestling.
v Is currently working on an RCT project.
^ No RCT does not figure in my sad life.
< Doesn't know what ebola world is either
V Hopefully will tell us
^ Doesn't know what Ebola World is.
< Will tell you because I am the only one who knows what ebola world is. It's a flash cartoon site created by flash cartoonist Sam T. Main characters on the site are Taco Man (pretty good), Grandpa (meh), Cat 'n' Fish (not very good), Smokey the Cigarette (new cartton May 2) Linda (pretty good) and George Bush (the best ones). Link to the site is www.ebolaworld.com.
v Will go to Ebola World.
^ nope

< is playing poker

v knows what the expression 10 deux means
^Ten deux? Ten two? Non, je ne pas parler anglais.
<Is bored
\.Knows what ten deux is and will tell me.
^ dang straight
< knows what 10 deux means, which is a poker term
v enjoys eating at subway
^ You're so damn right about that!
< Now wishing for a Chicken Pizziola Sub now (no it's only 10 to 10 in the morning. That means I've got 1 hour an 10 minutes to get to the nearest Subway and buy myself a bacon, egg and cheese breakfast roll mmmmmmmm.......... bacon egg and cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese) *drools all over the keyboard*
v Will want a Subway after looking at my advertising.
^ ohh yes
< is already eating a Subway BLT with mayo and provalone cheese
v is going to continue about subway