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The ^ < V game

^ Erm no they are at home, but not in mine tehe
<Is really poorly with a temperature
V is happy happy joy joy
^No, is so upset because

< I....really....just finished with my girlfriend who I loved very much

VIs also upset about something
^ yeah, I've been poorly now for 5 days and I've had enough of this high temperature!
<feels sorry for bezzzzzer
V nows how to cheer him up
^ Hah, I could not live without music

< Is about to nip out for a ciggy

V Hates smoking and has never/will never smoke.
^ I do hate smoking, and I will never smoke........again

< Is waiting for my friend to ring me, but I'm not sure if to get pisse dor not

V Thinks I should to see if it cheers me up?
^ I'm not that bored... so you are correct.
< Is severely dehydrated but is too scared to drink loads because of that thread where a woman killed gherself via water intoxication. :p
V Will make some witty comment.
^ how I feel? You must be jokin.....................
< I want me mummy
V Loves to play Take That extra loud!
<Going to a school meeting in a bit about options(not the drink)
VAlso has to choose options soon.