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The ^ < V game

^ Nope, want to though...
< Is looking forward to Chessie tomorrow...
\/ Is going tomorrow...
^ was going tomurow until i came down with a stinking bout of flu!
< Will be envious of anyone going tomurow!
V is going tomurow!
^ Is right.
< Can't wait to ride Dragon's Fury for the first time.
V Is laughing because they've been on it.
^sorry, i might go on it in the summer
< Still wants Thunder Rock Rally tunes.
V will have thunder rock rally music
^ Sorry can't help you.
< Saw Star Wars Episode 3 last night and thought it was brilliant.
v Will think the same thing too.
^is right
<likes busch gardens tampa bay
Vhopes he likes busch gardens tampa bay aswell
She actually!

^ never been there so i cant say!
< Is listening to soppy romantic songs and thinking
V will be thinking im mad for listening to romantic songs!
^ Eats wood
< Thinking Vortex Chick is mad for listening to romantic songs!
v Made of wood
^ Nope, steel matey...
< Loves the Grand National...
\/ Has hated any Intamin coaster...
^ Is incorrect, Intamin = yey!
< Loves Intamin.
V moans about TP's Colossus being bumpy through the corkscrew section.
^WTF????? HELL NO!
<wishes he could've responded to N:I so he could've expressed his love for the nash, is aslo pissed off that theres a school trip to DM on the 15 july........ dear god, what were they thinking
v agrees that although a theme park trip is a theme park trip, going at that time on a school day to DM when oak is the same distance and a lot less accesabile to everyone else (thus meaning short queues) is stupid as hell, and the school should've consulted me first.
^ Tried to eat a peice of track off TTD

< Dislikes BPB

v Dresses up as a teddy bear at night
^Alright, Who told you?
<Is considering selling mouldy cheese at yard sale.
V will buy mouldy cheese at my yard sale
^ You told me it was mouldy chicken
< Loves Alton Towers
v Lives in a box behind Asda
^are you stalking me?
< also loves alton towers.
V will love alton towers?
^ Seriously correct (my first theme park outside Australia and I think it was a good first impression too.
< Is in the RCT2 comp on CF.
v Will be also in the comp as well.
^ Is lying

< Going to watch BB6

v Tried out at an Audition for BB6
^ Is an idiot because I am in the CF RCT2 competition.
< Is angry because I can't send emails.
v Will be angry too.
/\ nope!for once im nice and chilled with not much care in the world!
<im rather bored :eek:)
\/will be doing something far more interesting than importing music onto the computer for a m8s ipod!
^ Yeah I am doing something more interesting
< am talking to four people who are taking ages to respond!
V is probably talking to people who respond nice and quickly!