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The ^ < V game


< Had a rubbish day :/

V Also had a rubbish day
^ More or less.. I should be reading a chapter out of my government textbook but I'm on here instead.
< Is tired and is probably about to go to sleep.
V Is counting down the days till opening day at his/her local park.
^ Not overly special, but not having to work tomorrow or monday is great!

< Is doing nothing at work

V Is also at work
^ Well, school was let out at 12 today, so no!
< Hasn't had school since midday
< Hasn't replied to this topic
^ In my country, we spell it "coffee"
< Is caught up in March Madness!
V Is not doing so hot in his/her bracket pool
^ WTF?

< Is bored of C/W and Revision

V Has done their GCSE's (or equivalent to)...

madhjsp said:
^ In my country, we spell it "coffee"

Yeah, so do we but I cant spell :p
^ Nope, just one this year :( Although that's not counting all the little creme eggs...
<Bought 18 eggs for other people this year
\/ Doesn't give a damn whether I feel ripped off this easter or not
^ hey how did you know.
< got no easter eggs this year.
V know that chocolate gives me headaches and possibly migrains.