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The ^ < V game

<Yay! MK Dons!
v Your opinion of Wimbledon and mk dons should reamain to urself as we are a new club now, and we have the most promising young manager in the uk at the mo!
^ History lol wut? Franchise club lol wut? Wimbledon lol wut?
< Actually thinks that it's stupid for 'hardcore' fans to slate MK Dons
V Probably doesn't give a ****.
^ Gives a **** and understands point of view
< wondering how long before he goes to bed
v Will be thinking im either extremely weird or gay....(neither btw)
^He's good! :lol:
<Hates velvet
\/Has a velvet thong
^ I go to school :lol: and you dont get paid there :(

<Uploading a video to you-tube

v Doesn't know what you-tube is
^Clearly has never really understood my motives
<Loves high octane adrenaline fueled madness
\/Lives in a bunglow
^never been to a theatre or seen a live show at all
<On the phone to somebody cos my mum made me for some reason
v Hopefully thinks that my mum is weird
Edit: ^ Oh you sneaky beggar!

^ That isn't as true as usual
< Is in a really bad mood and wants to kill something
v Is on YouTube