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The ^ < V game

^ No I am not gay contrary to popular belief
< Is looking at pictures on brothers camera, must say I am enjoying it
v Hates High School Musical
^ No, but you are :lol:
< Is quite bored when 4 days ago I was on Silver Star
v Hasn't been on a coaster for 2 weeks or more
^ You **** ing know its just you and me posting, and u know what i have to say. NO COMMENT! (besides, i think i have? Thorpe??)
< Wanna hear my cock gag?
v Is stroking his pussy now

< Does not care that school starts tomoz.

V Thinks that stealth and cial post way too much in here now...
^ Possibly, but at least they don't post COMPLETE AND UTTER BOLLOCKS. Not saying that anyone else does, but it would SO NOT BE COOL if someone were to... y'know?

<Is in a really 'can't be arsed mood'

V Is at work/school or is at least doing something constructive.
^ haha, nope, dont go back till thursday, and if you count attempting to do hwk as constructive..
< Is struggling with hwk :(
V Is not, as they dont go to school
^ You know me too well :D
< Did some hwk and is now resting for 5 mins
v Has rested all their life and has never achieved anything because of it
^ I don't have the internet at home

< Can't log into UCAS due to password **** tardyness

V knows how much wood a wood chuck chucks when enables to chuck wood
^ I don't have the internet at home

< Can't log into UCAS due to password **** tardyness

V knows how much wood a wood chuck chucks when enabled to chuck wood