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The ^ < V game

^No way, your going to all the upcoming CF Lives.
VWill annoy me by going to Midlands Mayhem?
^ Would have annoyed you but not going anymmore :cry: due to no money
< Is ill STILL!!!
v Willannoy both me and joe by goin to midlands mayhem
^ Definately! :D
< needs to get to bed...twice as much work to do tomorrow....sooo much time wasted online!
V Will be online for a bit longer
^ Burger's and Chips!! YUMMMM!!

< Is waiting for Burger's and Chips!!

V Will want to indulge in my Burger's and Chips??
^ Yeah if it means I dont have to cook
< Really is getting bored of cooking every night, domestic bliss eh?!
v Has been to the cinema latley to see a really bad movie?
^Nope, I havent been to the Cinema since a saw Batman Begins.
<Loves yellow_montu's avatar.
VPeanut Butter makes you thirsty?
^Just last week i changed the oil *do do doo*
<Last week it went round the clock i also had a little knock. I dented somebodies fender he learnt not to park on a bender.... HA HA HA!
V 'Scoobadiddly doo i see y'all too!
^Nope not likely.
< Is dissapointed because I could've won AJ's Word Game but I forgot to submit my words!
v Feels like an idiot (much like me!).
^ Yeah but for personal reasons.

< Is going shopping today and is still peeved I cant go to Alton Tomurow *cries*

v Will have a webcam.
^ Not really...Im feeling preety great actually :D

< Will be home alone all day and will be bored senseless :(

V WIll tell me they are doing something soooo exciting just to Spite me!!
^ Damn right!

< Has to write a slaves diary to be given into history tommorow, and is considering just writing "I got beaten. I died.", despite the fact the history teacher would kick his ass.

V Has recieved a ten rating off me in the "Rate the person above" topic?
^Not that hungry
<Has one more peice of homework to do.
VThinks that Sundays are depressing.
^No, not really.
< Is just waiting for the people he's talking with on MSN to stop arguing...
V Is one of them....
^No way, the Yankees and the Giants are both on. GO NY!
< Laughing at the irony that Alton had a power out and there is a CF-Live today
V Also finds it funny