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The ^ < V game

^No! It's looks horrible, I'm avoiding it at all costs!
<Prefers to watch Disney films
VWould prefer to watch Disney films than Saw 2
^ Shouldn't be...but am...

< Feet hurt...

V Has 2 feet? (Probs both left :p)
^ Really disturbed me in a quite recent group convo :p you look so innocent! (oh and its a sunday nite. of course im bored!)

< still feeling ill

\/ is going to be horribly ill this xmas!
^ Is probably right about the Xmas thing...

< Is giggling so much my sides hurt :p

V will probably wonder what the hell im laughing at :p
^ I was in the group convo of course i have!

< Is amused by Ed thinking i was innocent HAHAHAHAHAHa!

V Will have a virgin mobile phone?
^ Sunday night tv is even worse than saturday night tv... so bored..

< Except I just saw the e4 episode of lost i missed yay..

\/ has to get up nice and early tommorow.
^err? care to explain?
< Is sitting pondering life and how boring it can be
v Isnt really the pondering type
^ Um sometimes I think...
< Looking back in this thread and thinks that Saw 2 is as equally as good as Disney films.
v Will appose to that statement.
^Ish, but any morning when an alarm wakes you up just ruins a good nights sleep!
<Should be doing Drama coursework, damn CF is too adictive
VAlso has some coursework to do
^Yes I do like South Park.

<Is in love with two girls and does'nt know which to choose.

V Has no love life problems.