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The ^ < V game

^ Is correct and doesnt want to go

< Has a wicked saturday night planned with a CF member and cant wait!

v Will have a good weekend planned?
^erm...nope. It's my best friend's 17th birthday aswel, and there's nothing going on for her! I feel so harsh, maybe we should just get drunk or something, I don't know.

<Has finsihed college for the day, but we had drama in a church across the road today because the hall has been taken over for exams, it was dead wierd

V Doesn't like drama
^Whee drama is one of those things that you can improvise and not look silly, so yeah, drama owns all.

<Hates Eminem and 50 cent, and wishes they would die in a horrible prive plane crash.

V Lurves eminem and 50 cent and feels they shouldn't die in a horrible plane crash in their private planes?
^ I dont think anyone should die for no good reason.

< Is getting peeved at random idiots on MSN

V will know what im on about.
^ Sort of.
< Always seems to post straight after Hales in this topic hmmm.....
v Will be Hales (most of the time it is he he!).
^Has been on top of the dreamworld tower for almost a year, crikey thats a long breakdown, he even brang a computer, incase such an event would occur.

< Like to listen to music

V Will think my taste in music is awful.
^ Are you kidding?!
< Has been on top of the Dreamworld Tower for a very long time (as Fool has just pointed out).
v Will advise me to get down from there.
^ Lol yeah!

< Is cold and eating chocolate till she feels sick.

V Will have once done the same as what I just said ...
^Nah, not a massive chocolate person (please don't take that literally)

< Is having his stitches out in 2 hours.

v Has had stitches before.
^Of course, all I can do after my op is lie down! The tv gets damn boring after 7 days.

< Thinks this Jennifer Lopez video is a load of crahp.

v Doesn't really like Jennifer Lopez.
^ Is betraying Mark by getting rid of Stitch(s) :lol: (bad joke I know)

< Is watching Neighbours for the first time ever (I regret it to)

V Has had a serious accident involving a pond before?!
^No, lolol, but my nextdoor neighbour did fall into his when I was talking to him over the fence once

< Is astounded by how rubbish Franz Ferdinand sound now

v Disagrees with me about Franz
^ I most definately agree!!!!

< Has just been watching neighbours and is amused by Pierres comment.

v Will have some form of pet?
^ A Dog!!...and don't you know it!!...

< I have just successfully completed day 1 out of 4 of my GCSE Mocks

v Will also be doing some sort/form of exams??