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The ^ < V game

^ Yep couldn't have put it beter my self!

< Has been removing the virius from my computer!

V Has also got the virius on their computer!
^No, i'm good.

< Thinks the Arctic Monkey's version of Girls Aloud's Love Machine is superb

v Is an Arctic Monkeys fan

< Likes audry hepburn D&D crochet and is never gonna make it!

*down arrow* Don't wanna make it he just wants to!

^Wha?! In English... that means?? :?: uhh.. *squints* Ill and Board?! uhh.. yeah

< Is Ill and Board.. apparently..

\/ is also "board"
< Was drunk last night.. and now has spyware on the computer... Thanks John!!!

v Will know how to resolve this problem..
^ Is an idit for thinking taylor is an idiot

< Does not agree

V HAs an obsession with lemon bon bon's
^ Is wrong, I do not.
< Is not obsessed with lemon bon bons.
V Thinks that someone with an obsession for lemon bon bons should be referred to a psychiatrist thigy guy dude/lady.
^Hopefully better than you can.

<Just finished a crappy space launch Animation

V Has macromedia flash and is a flash Genius?
^Nope but I would love to be and Is having a massive row with it atm lol

<Is annoyed with flash

VIs tlaking on CF chat
^No.. i did have a lil slightly retarded baby kitten once but it died of a heart murmur when it was 4 weeks old lol. bless its little cotton socks lol.

< sad for his lost kitten.

V wants to buy me a new kitten? :D
^ Is wrong, I will not buy you a kitten.
< Is not feeling very charitable - again.
V Thinks Im a mean, cold hearted person person.