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The ^ < V game

^ Yes, if you're talking about Media Studies!
< Has a headache.
v Hates foreign languages. Shame on you.
^ I love foreign languages.. Japanese especially.

< Had a big fat bowl of noodles for dinner last night.

\/ Has never been to a Wagamama.
^ Is original in posting on this topic.
< Missed out on a detention because of another detention.
v Thinks I misbehave too much.
^ To get that many detentions, possibly.
< Is going out on a girly dinner tonight
v Is having dinner in by themselves
^ Well, yeah. ("I am pissed off because I need a piss whilst out on the piss getting pissed")

< Likes to get pissed (drunk)

V Is pissed now (drunk)
^ nah I'ma ncie guy :D *clenches fist*

< Came into the library college to do coursework but got distracted AGAIN! Blaming Coaster Force there

V Also has a similar problem to me
^Yes It always happens, actually im in the libray right now!

<Is going to ride Stealth Tommorow

v Thinks my information is all lies!