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The ^ < V game

^Thinks "at least you can do something about a snotty nose" :p

< Is only just past sweet sixteen (and I'm still sweet I'm sure) :lol:

v Doesn't believe me! :D
^ I think you're in your 30's
< Just played cricket in my street
v I sthinking why play cricket in this weather.
^ Yeh? My brother was playing it as well, I thought is was crazy.

< Is annoyed coz today was supposed to be my day off, and I'm working lunch AND evening. Gits.

V Has a day off today
^ Yep, i sure do.
< I have a really bad headace, and needs to get better for christmas!!

^ Don't think so at this moment in time

< Doesn't want to go to the boring cemetry tomorrow

V Has to see relatives before christmas
^ Nah...

< Just finished watching Team America, which has really grown on him.

V Also just finished a film