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The ^ < V game

^ I have actually, i've been twice and i am going for a third time next year and i stay in scotland.

< is currently in pyjamas and very tired (1:30) in afternoon

V is also very tired
^ I'm am in deed very tired.

< Is thinking what to have to eat.

V Has done nemesis Inferno 48 time's this year.
^Sorta yeah...
<Dont ****ing know why I am posting here!
VKnows why they are posting in forum fun...
^ yep, I want some one to send me some candy corn tehe
< Is in limbo
V knows what life has install for them next wek
^ You must be a super genius!

< Is psyched that the promations guy liked our music.

V Probably has eaten fruit today.
^No, it is the middle of the night and I have a fan.

<Is going out tomorrow.

V Is also going out at some point tomorrow.