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The ^ < V game

^Have a nice trip!
< Actually, is far away from the East Coast of the US
V Haven't left his/her country more than 3 times
^ Recently scientists determined that the official location of Paradise is Grand Cayman
< Has never ridden a flying coaster
V Neither have you
^Just ate a fudge poptart, so no.

< Does infact, live in paradise.

V It hasn't rained where you live the entire year.
^ I'm going to college tomorrow. I think that counts!
< Is a huge procrastinator and is posting meaningless crap on CF instead of packing for college.
V Already attends or has graduated college
^ I attended college but failed my exams so guess I didn't graduate
< Is sat here getting drunk debating an expensive night out
v is a **** (nasty word)
^ No..............

< Has seen Batman: The dark Knight and ****ing loves it!

V Also loves the film!
^ Only the good kind that can only be found in Haribo. The small chewy ones.
< Is praying his exam results come in the post tomorrow
V Jibrabghtuckduckliujwinjayunbeun?
^ No - I don't drive and I couldn't afford one even if I did.

< Can smell dinner.

V Has had dinner.
^I guess

<Is having as much fun as you can with your clothes on by flying my new wing <3

VDoes not have a taste for clothed activities
^ EH? You have just confused the **** outa me!

< Is bored, like the past few days.....

V Isn't bored and has been out in the last few days.....