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Theme park YouTubers: what do you think of them?

What do you think of theme park YouTubers?

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I mean... you don't have to watch them :emoji_smile:

I feel like these issues would be the same for any vlog content when it involves a topic the viewer knows a lot about.
Of course, there are some personalities out there that grate a bit, but in general at least they're adding theme park content. It's not that awful.
I do admire the individuals in the theme park YouTube community a lot, because I'd imagine it takes a lot of confidence to put yourself out there like that, so I admire these individuals for having the confidence to put themselves out there like they have, because I certainly don't have that level of confidence! Heck, I barely had the confidence to join this forum!

My parents always say to me that I should make my own theme park YouTube channel and do Vlogs when we visit theme parks, but I don't think I could. Simply because I don't think I'd attract any interest from the YouTube community. I'm not a particularly sarcastic person, so I couldn't attract people with subtle humour. I'm not a particularly creative person, either, so I couldn't wow people with documentaries or coaster parodies. Whereas one of Taylor or Shawn's videos has people laughing their heads off within the first 10 minutes, one of my videos would probably have people nodding off within the first 30 seconds! I also worry that people on here and on other forums I'm on would start to hate me if I started a YouTube channel, because those types of individuals are not looked upon very highly by most in the forum environment.

Another reason why I could never start a YouTube channel is because I want to be able to enjoy my day at a park instead of worrying about getting good footage of rides or about filming. My dad actually wanted to buy me a GoPro for Christmas so I could film on rides, but I would worry too much about the GoPro falling off or about getting a quality POV to enjoy the ride, so I decided against it.

I always worry that the sort of person I am wouldn't come across very well on YouTube, so I don't want to make my own channel. I worry that people would expect me to be more humourous or more creative instead of being who I am. The problem is, though; I don't particularly want to shout "[INSERT CHANNEL NAME HERE] ON YOUTUBE!" whenever I pass someone in a park. I wouldn't want the attention, either.

Before I ramble on for too long, what I'm basically trying to say is; I love watching theme park YouTube channels, but I could never start one myself.
^ I watched the Black Hole Defunctland and it had so many errors I didn't bother with any others.
They said the Flume was taller than the Corkscrew at 89 ft. That stat is actually also on Wikipedia but it is obviously not true, as anyone who ever saw the flume will know. Made me feel they get all their info from the likes of Wikipedia without even checking it.
^ I watched the Black Hole Defunctland and it had so many errors I didn't bother with any others.
They said the Flume was taller than the Corkscrew at 89 ft. That stat is actually also on Wikipedia but it is obviously not true, as anyone who ever saw the flume will know. Made me feel they get all their info from the likes of Wikipedia without even checking it.

To be fair, they are American based. It can be tough to make a 100% accurate information on something across the pond. Albeit, he could have done more research but it is what it is. I will say that his Disaster Transport one was great and included one of our own CFers, @Error
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I do admire the individuals in the theme park YouTube community a lot, because I'd imagine it takes a lot of confidence to put yourself out there like that, so I admire these individuals for having the confidence to put themselves out there like they have, because I certainly don't have that level of confidence! Heck, I barely had the confidence to join this forum!

My parents always say to me that I should make my own theme park YouTube channel and do Vlogs when we visit theme parks, but I don't think I could. Simply because I don't think I'd attract any interest from the YouTube community. I'm not a particularly sarcastic person, so I couldn't attract people with subtle humour. I'm not a particularly creative person, either, so I couldn't wow people with documentaries or coaster parodies. Whereas one of Taylor or Shawn's videos has people laughing their heads off within the first 10 minutes, one of my videos would probably have people nodding off within the first 30 seconds! I also worry that people on here and on other forums I'm on would start to hate me if I started a YouTube channel, because those types of individuals are not looked upon very highly by most in the forum environment.

Another reason why I could never start a YouTube channel is because I want to be able to enjoy my day at a park instead of worrying about getting good footage of rides or about filming. My dad actually wanted to buy me a GoPro for Christmas so I could film on rides, but I would worry too much about the GoPro falling off or about getting a quality POV to enjoy the ride, so I decided against it.

I always worry that the sort of person I am wouldn't come across very well on YouTube, so I don't want to make my own channel. I worry that people would expect me to be more humourous or more creative instead of being who I am. The problem is, though; I don't particularly want to shout "[INSERT CHANNEL NAME HERE] ON YOUTUBE!" whenever I pass someone in a park. I wouldn't want the attention, either.

Before I ramble on for too long, what I'm basically trying to say is; I love watching theme park YouTube channels, but I could never start one myself.

Very good points here and I much appreciate your honesty and humility. You don't have to be so harsh on yourself though - comedy or creativity are only two ways of playing the Youtube game. I think one doesn't have to limit himself by thinking they do not match very specific standards.

On the contrary, my feelings are that Youtube is quite saturated with copycat attempts with little effort or imagination. You don't have to be like Taylor or Shawn and focus on comedy or vlogs (sometimes unsuccessfully), there are so many different ways of sharing a park experience: insight, polished styles of all sorts, educated opinions, interviews, music videos, focusing on vintage stuff... Exploring other concepts are the ways to go imo.

I very much understand your reservations about doing Youtube stuff, and frankly, you don't have to start a channel if you don't want to (of course). But then again let's think out of the box - you don't absolutely have to do your own individual channel to join the Youtube game! Maybe doing some cameos other channels, sharing feedback or pictures to other channels is another way to be part of this community... It is a sad but true fact that Coaster Youtubing has been too self-centered, but that doesn't mean this can't change :)
Very good points here and I much appreciate your honesty and humility. You don't have to be so harsh on yourself though - comedy or creativity are only two ways of playing the Youtube game. I think one doesn't have to limit himself by thinking they do not match very specific standards.

On the contrary, my feelings are that Youtube is quite saturated with copycat attempts with little effort or imagination. You don't have to be like Taylor or Shawn and focus on comedy or vlogs (sometimes unsuccessfully), there are so many different ways of sharing a park experience: insight, polished styles of all sorts, educated opinions, interviews, music videos, focusing on vintage stuff... Exploring other concepts are the ways to go imo.

I very much understand your reservations about doing Youtube stuff, and frankly, you don't have to start a channel if you don't want to (of course). But then again let's think out of the box - you don't absolutely have to do your own individual channel to join the Youtube game! Maybe doing some cameos other channels, sharing feedback or pictures to other channels is another way to be part of this community... It is a sad but true fact that Coaster Youtubing has been too self-centered, but that doesn't mean this can't change :)
Thanks very much for the insightful post @Coaster Hipster! I don't think I want to start a channel, but I am commenting on quite a few YouTubers' videos!
Midway Mayhem is about the best in the game for updates and seems to be branching out his format into areas other than Florida with new folks covering constructions elsewhere.

As for general vlogs, there's a few out there with a bit of personality and quirk that haven't exhausted the format just yet. I find Evil Lewis swearing his proverbial off at fairgrounds up and down the country utterly entertaining.

Cupcakes & Coasters had what looked like one helluva honeymoon which was good to follow, nice and concise presentation too.

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Very good points here and I much appreciate your honesty and humility. You don't have to be so harsh on yourself though - comedy or creativity are only two ways of playing the Youtube game. I think one doesn't have to limit himself by thinking they do not match very specific standards.

On the contrary, my feelings are that Youtube is quite saturated with copycat attempts with little effort or imagination. You don't have to be like Taylor or Shawn and focus on comedy or vlogs (sometimes unsuccessfully), there are so many different ways of sharing a park experience: insight, polished styles of all sorts, educated opinions, interviews, music videos, focusing on vintage stuff... Exploring other concepts are the ways to go imo.

I very much understand your reservations about doing Youtube stuff, and frankly, you don't have to start a channel if you don't want to (of course). But then again let's think out of the box - you don't absolutely have to do your own individual channel to join the Youtube game! Maybe doing some cameos other channels, sharing feedback or pictures to other channels is another way to be part of this community... It is a sad but true fact that Coaster Youtubing has been too self-centered, but that doesn't mean this can't change :)

Agreed on this completely. You be you, no matter what other people say. That is the way we style the podcast and it has worked out relatively well? :D But we will always be us, no matter what. No need to change at all. You do the same and you will definitely enjoy it and make a more unique and entertaining product.
Not really a theme park Youtuber as such but Bright Sun Films deserves a mention, mostly about abandoned theme parks or cancelled projects but they are very interesting and well put together. I really enjoy them.

His Disney videos are particularly good if you find Disney interesting:
Not really a theme park Youtuber as such but Bright Sun Films deserves a mention, mostly about abandoned theme parks or cancelled projects but they are very interesting and well put together. I really enjoy them.

His Disney videos are particularly good if you find Disney interesting:

Agreed! He doesn't post that often which is why I forgot about him. He has some solid tours of just abandoned stuff which is how I found him.
I like the TPW Weekly thing. I think it's a well presented news round up, plus there's fun bits thrown in like Guess The Ride.

I'm not a Disney goon, but I really like Tim Trackers Halloween coverage. It's enjoyable and informative.

Vlogs from further afield like Cupcakes and Coasters China vlogs are great because they show parks that I may never actually get to.

Defunctland and Coaster Bot are great for interesting bits of information, I prefer watching this documentary style of video over a vlog at a park. I find watching long vlogs at parks kind of frustrating, it just makes me wish I was there.
I don't particularly like vlogs, but if I consider going to a park that TPWW has been to, I'll watch their first vlog from that park. The first one for me is always the best purely due to the fact you see a more relatable reaction, and the excitement factors seem a little bit higher. I must say I liked his American Adventure documentary too. One I would really like is a detailed history of pleasure beach rather than the videos that are literally a sideshow with a few pictures and a date on each one.
Snoo and Bybee? No comment.
Kind of kidding (although @Snoo was doing a great deal of complaining about Bybee). Looks like you're having a great time!

To be fair, I was doing more complaining about users giving his opinion instead of their own. I would much rather here from you then anyone else. Now if you feel someone had valid points and youd like to state those and link.. no problem.. but thats a whole different story.

However, I will say Taylor is a great guy. Very nice, humble, and just energetic. He's just happy to be doing what he's doing and enjoys all of it. Reminds me of a younger version of myself. As far as his content, yeah he does vlog (you'll actually see myself as well as Ian and ECG in his Fun Spot vlog here soon), his other content is actually pretty decent. I was not just not a huge fan of his but after actually knowing the guy, I'm a subscriber.

I'll echo that with Midway Mayhem, someone I already enjoyed, as well as NewsPlusNotes. Getting to know the individuals behind the persona you see on Youtube, you gain new perspective.

Well.. besides Amusement Insiders. They're trash.
I'm definately not against youtube vloggers absolutely not!

I think it's great to see people visit parks when your stuck in an office or at home. Or seeing an american come experience your favourite european park for the first time. Or even some of the history channels like dunfunctland has highlighted alot of stuff I never knew and has dug up some amazing archive footage so even if facts are abit off, they make an interesting watch.

HOWEVER!! I feel like there are alot of people who shouldn't do videos/star in videos or home their craft abit. There's people like Coasterbot who do some interesting informative videos, but the way everything is over pronounced makes me turn it off (plus my bf gets annoyed if anything of his comes up).

Then theres people who clickbait like mad and talk over stock video while spurting out rambling speculation with no point or script, only to end up exactly where they started! NO! GET OFF THE INTERNET.

People who don't edit their trip reports properly, and film themselves far too much. If your gonna use your face as your brand, take a little time with some self care, do your hair, maybe try some better lighting, urgh. I like things sometimes to have that homevideo vibe, but please, edit out the crap.

Also, we're a very informed group of people. I feel incredibly insulted when someone tried to do an informative video with things like "I think this is the fastest coaster..." NO, be informed.

Sorry I have these thoughts a lot which going down wormholes. My basic message to anyone who wants to vlog: BE PREPARED, PLAN YOUR VIDEOS, BE CONCISE, HAVE SOMETHING INTERESTING TO SAY. I'm yet to find a "perfect" channel that I look forward to watching new episodes, and I spend way too much time trawling through tripe, but there are some nice video moments out there. Actually I quite like just having TimTracker on, his voice is soothing. Maybe I should just do a channel *shrug*.
The vid is up now. I just watched it. You guys look like trouble to me...:D

Yes we are. :D

The podcast and that video pretty much just show what I'm like at a park. If we ever meet up, that is essentially what you'll get but slightly less goon and a smidge more silly. You'll find us American CFers tend to be like that as well.. hell as well as the Brits as most of us are pretty carefree goons just loving to meet people and have fun.