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Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

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I'm with Arly. I've got a great idea. Let's lock all the construction topics and just post the news when they open. We will only discuss anything when we have 100% information.

Yeah, that's a great way to run a forum.

Personally, when I read a book, I only read the last page. Why bother reading the rest, enjoying the ride as the plot opens out. Balls to that, just read how it ends.

Games? I don't play games, I just watch the end sequence on youtube - saves all that time wasting stuff before it.

Seriously, while I think that sometimes it gets silly, it's still a great thing to do - speculate! You can get some interesting discussion, and it's fun to find out just how right or wrong you were as construction goes along. It's fun, interesting and lively :)
and to continue with the over analysis of the leaflet and wild speculation that comes from it:

The pillars in the bottom left appear to be intact but at the wrong angle. Are they ruins or is it all messed up dimensions like M.C.Escher? It'd be pretty cool if the themeing inside the building were illusions and rooms on their sides, trying to screw with your orientation.
Exactly Furie. I think some people need to re-think what being an enthusiast is.

Yes, some people can go a bit far, but that is all part of the fun. Some people have come up with crazy ideas in the past and actually been right, so who cares?

Just enjoy it, follow the construction, and if you think something is there that we are all missing, say it!

Anyway, Inverse's idea would be pretty cool, would make the queue more interesting as well.
I think the guy who designed this leaflet now is sitting at a large office way up the Merlin headquarters, reading Internet forums with the CEO, and trying to count how large his newly received bonus actually is. If Merlin tried to arise speculation, they couldn't have done it much better than this.

However, there will be a lot of disappointment here. The way this ride is hyped, there's no way it can live up to it.
Pokemaniac said:
However, there will be a lot of disappointment here. The way this ride is hyped, there's no way it can live up to it.

This is true with most rides these days. For me, it's a coaster, I love riding them, that's why I became so interested, so who cares if it's not a OMG WOW BEST RIDE EVAR. I'll still love it, no matter what it turns out to be.
One thing I've noticed is that on the poster, there is a name on one of the gravestones, and that very same name is on one of the talking gravestones in the Haunted Hollow.
I think they're just re-using old/stock images for marketing to be honest and people are reading too much into it ;) That's not to kill speculation, just the honest truth :)

The true marketing for the ride will begin in earnest when they can't hide the ride any more and they have to start releasing "truth". At the moment, this is just a rough preamble :)
I just realised, I meant to say that Terror of the Towers this year is subtitled 'What Lies Within' not 'Into the Unknown' like one of my previous posts suggested.

Either way, Terror of the Towers is going to link in with SW6 in some way.
Went yesterday, forgot phone so no photo's.

Same contruction site, the huge hole has been filled with cement at the bottom. at the back of the site there is a huge curving trench, and i mean it huge.

Also picked up the leaflet, exciting stuff!
Huge as in deep, or huge as in a long curve?

And i assume this is relating to the corner/helix bit at the end of the track?
Imagine if after it reversed, there was a seperate rail alonside (hidden) and some scary thing is chasing you backwards out of the building and around the corner :O
Neal likes the look of Journey to the Centre of the Earth: The Ride

But I do also hope that it doesn't get related to a film. DO NOT WANT!
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