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Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

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furie said:
Joey said:
Joey said:
I'm so out of the loop. Someone summarize?

What is the general opinion on this now? Are people being optimistic or does it look like <img>?

Nobody answered because nobody knows :lol:

It looks short and low and seems to be reliant on the indoor bit.

Nobody knows anything about the indoor bit, other than "enthusiasts will probably be disappointed".

So, erm, we're all still really waiting to see as stuff is revealed. Personally, I think that the ride through the woods is going to be good fun. It looks like it has a bit of air time and some dives through the trees. A bit like a cross between Cobra (Paultons) and Treetops (Oakwood). That's my base level of hope - with luck, it'll be Intamin and more akin to a mini-megalite.

I'm dubious about the quality of theming due to it being the same team that worked on Saw - but we'll see.

I think the indoor section is probably just something a bit silly,but okay - like the indoor section of Saw.

So, I'm still varying between "meh" and "okay" at the moment in my thoughts :)

Lol. Thanks Phil. <3

I think Saw's theming is really bloody good. The ride itself isn't. But the themeing is. Best themed coaster in the UK by miles, so I don't understand our dubiousness?

EDIT: I'm still hoping that given the castle with scaffolding themeing stuff, it's going to pull a Hex and use what's already there. It's about time they used their thuroughly original landscape, history and such to influence a ride again. I don't neccisarilly want them to base it on a local legend, but just to carry through the feeling of a haunted and crumbling gothic cassle would be fab. And it looks like that's the idea. But know full well they will try to add a silly story and ruin any generalised theme, but whatever.
Alton Towers: The Ride! I realy hope that they do something new with the story but keep the same sortof feeling hex has. I will really be dissapointed if they dont have preride shows like hex. I am also guessing that the ride music will be somewhere between hex and nemesis. So what do people think the surrounding area will be like now we know rita is probably being rethemed?
Thinking music, I hope they give it something epic like Vampire, Colossus, Nemesis (and Inferno), Oblivion, Hex.

No drowning crappy one note thingy tunes please. Its dull. It one thing I disliked on Saw's music and most FN music.

No green little ground Bose speakers ether, just large ones. They are more effective!
Green Bose speakers are safer and effective if they use plenty. Chavs don't spot them as easy so they won't get as damaged. :p

I think they will do a good job with the theme, Alton have always impressed me with ride music, hell even air's is pretty decent.
A-Kid said:
No green little ground Bose speakers ether, just large ones. They are more effective!

No Bose speakers AT ALL please.

Bose are sh*t, horrible sounding speakers, especially when relying on reflection to do the work. They need a set of outdoor kef speakers.

Though Kef cost around another hundred more per unit, they are far superior.
I was just wondering what if construction has allready begun.....but behind all the woods. Because from the looks of things the ride is meant to be hidden by woods anyway so why would now be any diffrent?
A-Kid said:
Thinking music, I hope they give it something epic like Vampire, Colossus, Nemesis (and Inferno), Oblivion, Hex.

No drowning crappy one note thingy tunes please. Its dull. It one thing I disliked on Saw's music and most FN music.

No green little ground Bose speakers ether, just large ones. They are more effective!

Vampire has theme music? :?
Enicomb said:
Vampire has theme music? :?

Yeah, in my opinion it has the best theme music of any ride in the UK. Unfortunately not all operators of the ride concur and usually talk over it the whole time or just don't play it loud enough.

Umm *tries to think of something to keep on topic and fails*
Old school Tussauds music is all made of win... Especially Vamp <3

God knows what's happening there though, very happy to wait and see right now and hope that we'll be having lap bars for it to make it half decent if it is an Intamin, considering their OSTRs are not designed for corners...
Smithy said:
Could be Premier Inn. Where everything's Premier. But the price. Because if the price was Premier. We'd get a decent <img> B & M rather than some boring little OH MY GOD IT GOES BACKWARDS sort of gimmick.

Funny enough one part of this comment is correct :)
Furie, why do you think the inside will be a dissapointment to us? What makes you think it will be average like Saw?

Did I miss something?
^That's a good thing though isn't it. Saw was themed really well in and around the building. If the team do the same but without the limitations of a film license getting in the way then I feel the end result will be pretty good for this. Don't forget the indoor portion of this ride is only a tiny part of the overall thing.
I wonder what all the Alton fan sites will say when they find out that they've got the manufacturer wrong? :p
No Ollie its a bad thing, they should get people in that know what they are doing.

And yes Ollie I can not wait for that :)
Ollie said:
^That's a good thing though isn't it. Saw was themed really well in and around the building. If the team do the same but without the limitations of a film license getting in the way then I feel the end result will be pretty good for this. Don't forget the indoor portion of this ride is only a tiny part of the overall thing.
I wonder what all the Alton fan sites will say when they find out that they've got the manufacturer wrong? :p

Really? I've heard it's basically just a tin shed, nothing special. It could have been good, but they used cheap materials to cut costs.

Nearly all the people I've spoke to who have seen it in person say it's not that good.
Yes but as I was saying to people at the live over the weekend. Saw is one of the best themed coasters we've seen in the UK in a long time. Considering that before it was there it was just water it's quite an achievement. Also don't forget how bad the economy is at the moment so if they can use cheap materials to built it then so be it. Don't forget that the general public don't look at it the same way as us enthusiasts and Thorpe try to cater to satisfy them over the picky enthusiast who want a perfect ride everytime.
SW6 won't be any different. If people overhype it like what happened with Saw then you WILL be disappointed when you find out/ride it. But if you just sit back and let the park and builders do their job and not expect a super amazing coaster then you'll find it a fun addition to the park.
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