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Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

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Though it dos'nt show up in the family coasters so maybe parks class it as a family but Intamin don't

Well the packaging is labelled "Family coaster - INTAMIN", so I wouldn't minf guessing that is was Intmain that labelled it 'family coaster', not Alton.
I was saying that Intamin may not call a mega lite a family coaster. But you never know as It could be one of those ones thats a blend.
Could be :?
It might be a blend, but aren't coaster manufacturers a bit more picky with what category a ride comes under?
Does anyone have an idea why the layout/track/manufacturer hasn't been kept that much of a secret like the other SWs? I would have thought that Merlin would keep the same trend?
I predicted that it would be a mega-lite from the start and I, personally, don't see it as a bad instillation for Alton (not saying that it definetly will be)...
Intamin family coasters are actually pretty good. The one at Bakken was great and people came off saying how surprisingly good it was. The first drop was really steep and gave airtime. It had alot of tight twists and turns and had quite a bit of speed all the way through the layout. If Altons is anything like that then it should be quite fun. Although nothing amazing (which I said it wouldn't be).

Yeah that does look really good to be honest!

So now the manufacturer is confirmed, let the debate expand on what the 'Worlds first' is going to be...
Looking at the intamin website and at rcdb, a family coaster looks like a great choice of ride. The first drop looks incredibly good.
#pmbo said:
Could be :?
It might be a blend, but aren't coaster manufacturers a bit more picky with what category a ride comes under?
Does anyone have an idea why the layout/track/manufacturer hasn't been kept that much of a secret like the other SWs? I would have thought that Merlin would keep the same trend?
I predicted that it would be a mega-lite from the start and I, personally, don't see it as a bad instillation for Alton (not saying that it definetly will be)...

The manufacturer has been kept just as secret as the others. It was patently obvious the others were B&M when track arrived, and this one is obviously Intamin now track has arrived.

The layout and track has been kept as secret as possible. Due to planning laws and the interweb, everyone has to be able to see the plans. They have kept the secret section secret so far, either a tilt or drop. But I've been thinking, couldn't it be both? You drop and the the front tilts upwards. Everyone has assumed the back will tilt down from the top, but it could tilt upwards from the bottom. Undeniably a first.

Been looking at the plans for the station and queue. The entrance looks amazing and is huge, where Ug Swinger was, the exit is the same as Corkscrews, but what I am wondering is where is the fastpass, front row and single rider entrances are going to be?

You may need to zoom in, but it shows before the building the queue splits in two alongside each other, which I think is for front row. At the exit of the building there is a path that goes towards the building to the disabled entrance, but this could also be for fastpass or single rider, although I doubt it. Maybe you just have to be a good little boy and queue properly.

Hope they put the corkscrews back in their old place, aslong as SW6 does not go over the space. Would be great to put it back where it spend the best part of 3 decades, and fits with the rest of the heritage and respect they have put in to it's removal and replacement.

Don't read into Family coaster, it just means anyone can ride it. I would class Rita as a family ride, so don't think we are being given a baby ride, but just because I said Rita don't take it the wrong way and thikn it will be **** just because Rita is. Because of the theming and secret section, this could still be a thrilling ride. Family coaster refers to the ride if it was placed on tarmac. The theming on this will make it more thrilling and intimidating.
Is it just me, or does that queue area look rediculous. With Rita's mess next to it aswell, it just looks like a mass of fences covering most of the themed area.

Just thinking really, couldn't they move or remove parts of Ritas queue to open up the space a little?

I wish they could be clever with the queue area, like Nemesis, Rammy, Mine train (Chessie), Rattlesnake and make it mildly interesting. Theres no adventure with giant grids. They could of put some of it in the woods, in/out of buildings, tunnels hidden away!
Rita's may be changed a bit now, they could use bits of the Corkscrew queue. The plan does say 'Corkscrew queue relocated. It's not the shape of the SW6 queue that I don't like so much as the length. It may be there big new attraction, their first for a while and the park is at it's highest vistor levels ever, and for a few years atleast will be their flagship ride, but does it need to be that big? Most of it probably will only be used as overflow though, hopefully the cattlepens will be largely skipped. I don't mind them and think everyone is over reacting when they complain about Rita's, but the queue here does look very nasty, it's a very evil looking queue for the most part. Hopefully theming and speakers will help. Hope TTR or whatever goes, can't stand it's cliched classic rock mixed with bits of modern music. Also, get rid of those stupid queue TVs with the adverts and music vids. Ruins the mood so much.
I like how the queue seems to get a bit more isolated towards the end. I wonder if that bit will be themed up to the ride? At what point does the queue enter the building? Is it literally right before the station?

Also, the immediate exit path has two sets of steps, and an alternative non-stepped path which seems very long in comparison (disabled route?)... Do the steps really go down that far?
If its the Mine Train coaster we went on one at Bakken.

It was ok but not like great, for me it would be better than Spinball so it would be the 5th best coaster at Alton. Unless this worlds first part is really thrilling.

They had a chance to build something thrilling, I hope they have not blown the chance.
If people still expect high thrills then clearly this could be dissapointing. I expect Alton to pull off something good, I don't know what it will ride like and I don't have any hopes for the 'coaster' side of it to turn out thrilling.

If it does then I'd be thankfully suprised.
^yes thats my view as well, and hope.

I get depressed when I see all other countries getting these thrilling coasters and then we get ones that just do nothing :( Stupid UK planning permission lol.
I did say well before construction began that you'd all be pretty disappointed and you all had a go at me basically saying "Shut up you don't know anything". Looks like I was right lol. :p
Also looking back at the last few pages. Don't try to over complicate what happens in the building (reading someone saying it might have a drop and tilt track). It's best just to sit back and watch the construction and take the ride for what it is rather than thinking it's going to be the new Nemesis or something.
I don't think anybody saw it as another Nemesis anyway. It was perfectly clear this would not be a major thriller when they layout was released.
Ollie, stop acting like you know what it's going to be. You don't, you've not been right about anything about it so far and I'm bored of coming in here to see any updates and have to read through you trying to be smug that you 'know' something that none of us do.
^Someone's a bit moody. :p
Actually the only time I said I knew something was the once where I was just told who the manufacturer might be and that it'll be disappointing. Then everyone had a go at me and told me I knew nothing. How do you know? I hope you're not stalking me all the time.
All I did just now was just say that I was right after everyone had a go at me earlier in the topic.
Now that you all know who's making it I don't know any more than you do.

Anyway enough of that, some people clearly want to find and pick at everything. I wonder how long it'll be till the name is revealed. I assume they'll just put up banners around the ride with the name next month sometime during their Scarefest event or just update their site with something. Also does anyone know how long it takes to put one of these up? I'm guessing the track will all be up before mid next month but I have no idea.
Ollie said:
I did say well before construction began that you'd all be pretty disappointed and you all had a go at me basically saying "Shut up you don't know anything". Looks like I was right lol. :p

Ollie, don't flatter yourself. Everyone has been well aware that it's going to be a family/moderately thrilling attraction. So do us a favour love and shurrup. Cheers. Neal out..... :wink:
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