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Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

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I am already a fan of these costumed things that hang around UGLand, but I think to make this project seem bigger UGland should have been closed with these costumed staff guarding the entrance.
On the Halloween Alton map at the bottom it doesn't have the word Surrender at all. It just says "Ride the DEMON of the DARK FOREST".
Those demon actors are awesome though. Especially the sounds they make.
I hope they make a trailer or add filmed in the same way as the Hex video that tells the story. That would be awesome. :)
Actors and the noises are AWESOME!!!

Building looks to be very deep, and supports for internal stuff was being placed today...

The last section looks quite good, especially the bit right after the world's first bit...

I reckon the ride might have about 4-5 trains if we end up with 12 odd person trains...

I am intrigued and looking forward to it...
yea i see what you mean.

whatever happpened to theme parks being happy places?? corr! but the other areas i cant see getting a retheme so im not sure how there going to make it work.

unless the advertise only to goths!
I'm sorry but how does theming the park to go with the Towers make it for goths?
It makes sense to use the atmosphere you've already got to influence artificial(well, modern) atmosphere. That way it would feel more authentic.

It would be different if Alton were a blank canvas, but it's not.

Alton Towers is a vert dark place all over, even in the friendly, bright, childish and modern areas. It's just a spooky place to be.
Re: Exclusive Surrender Story Info

Myk said:

I am laughing with tears in my eyes................................they look like fannys!

*cough* back on to the matter at hand. Had a nosey at the ride on tuesday and it got me excited :) Nice view of the drop from inside the Burger King too.
I just spotted this on Screamscape regarding a reader who was approached to take a survey about the SW6 name.

A reader was approached to take a survey about SW6 the other day, and while nothing new was revealed about the attraction itself, they did ask their opinion about several possible names for the coaster, none of which was “Surrender” so it looks like that name really is out. Some of the names they could remember being asked about included: Panic, 13, Thirteen, 666, Mortalis, I.T.U. (Into The Unknown) and The Woodcutter. I’ve got to go with Mortalis myself… as the rest sound kind of lame.
Karen said:
I am laughing with tears in my eyes................................they look like fannys!
Hahaha Karen! That made me almost spit drink at my screen XDD

I'm loving all the darker themed stuff Merlin are churning out, hopefully it won't be as big a let down as Saw.

Does anyone know exactly what is going on with "Ugland"? Has Rita been officially 'moved' into the Cloud Cuckoo Land section or what? I've always loved Alton's well set out themed areas but this corner still seems like a random scramble of ideas, I hope it gets sorted soon.
Are we just throwing random names into the mix now or have these actually been suggested? I don't know why people care what rides are called anyway, it's not as if it affects your ride experience...
Not that impressed with the vid - I know it's meant to be an "amateur" viral, but is that the best they could come up with?

I think Alton have missed a trick here - they could have potrayed the ride construction itself as part of the theme's "archaeological dig" story, would have been fun :) (and ironic given the planning process :p).
By looking at the posters around AT there are 4 main words that stand out which are Demon, Dark Forest and Surrender!

Could it be that the area is going to be called Dark Forest, Rita going to be called Surrender and SW6 going to be called Demon.
Crazycoaster said:
^Ooooor they could just be words on a poster? :p

Glad i'm not the only one who thinks that!

Demon, surrender and the eye image give a very iconic represntation of common horror elements. I don't see why Alton would bother hinting things, almost every who sees those posters will just think "Oh it's a new horror ride", all Alton need to do is get people to know there's a ride being built, and that it's distinctly different from other rides in the park.
In my eyes this ride will be the sister ride to Saw. Similarly to Spinball-Dragon's Fury, Rita-Stealth, Nemesis-Nemesis: Inferno.

It seems horror based, with a dark ride element. OK so it's a different manufacturer but I think it'll be in a similar vein, in terms of ride experience.

Also the coaster type may be labeled as "family coaster" but I think that's referring to the model as opposed to the target audience.
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