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Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

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#pmbo said:
Everyone's saying how the pictures don't do SW6 any justice

It looks like a giant roller skater in the pictures. It looks like a giant roller skater in real life. The pictures do it plenty of justice.
Fair enough, maybe I shouldn't have used 'everyone' to generalise the current view, hehe :lol:.
I remember these two guys that trespassed in Alton Towers either during an off season or after the park closed (can't remember which). D'you think we'll get any pictures off them in the off season? :)
^^Isn't that true of pretty much any ride though (actually pretty much anything)? Pictures very rarely give the full idea.

However, in this case, what you see in the photos is pretty much what you can see up close and personal, as in not much. It looks like a giant roller skater. More fact than opinion at this stage.

edit - And since #pmbo edited his post, this post now becomes void.
To be honest, I disagree slightly, in 'real life' I think it looks taller then the pictures show. I think everybody's expecting way too much out of it and are still held back with the fact that 'Alton haven't got what I wanted them to get' etc... Just get over it?

By the way, that wasn't aimed at you Gavin :)
I'm perfectly happy with the ride, and not disappointed.

I think it looks pretty small really and agree with Gavin, the pictures are pretty accurate. :)
Sorry to go slightly of topic top again, but...

Isn't that yellow spinball splodge where it is at the moment?

Yeah, so according to them 'plans' Spinball is going to be relocated to where it is now! What evidence is there that them plans are official?
Regarding Spinball, he yellow splodge is it's current possition, the plan is to move it near the new entrance between the hotels and Forbiden Valley/Gloomy Wood. But thta will only happen if the entrance does move trom Towers Street, which I doubt, unless the new entrance was just for hotel guests. To be honest I think it would be unfair to have it away from the park. If they want a ride just for hotel guests, a cheap Maurer spinner like Whirlwind, or a Maurer Wild Mouse/Reverchon Spinning Wild Mouse would do the job just fine. Spinball is a pretty large scale ride with huge queues, it would be unfair to move it and create a large gap in the park's line up and area.

I don't know how much of the plan will go through, making a new entrance will require lots of tree felling and building, and I'm sure the neighbours would just love that.

On a possitive side, FV abd X-Sector are up for renovating, and SW6 is the first of three medium-large scale coasters coming in the next 5/10 years, aswell as a large number of medium-large flats and other attractions. I think the number was 10. A new medium-large attraction every year, aswell as smaller improvements and attractions is excelent news.

If it all goes through.
^ The new entrance will be for all guests. From what I read from the ten year plans, the new entrance will be built nearer the hotels so to reduce the monorail reliance. They are expanding into the current hotel entrance area as well, so there may be a new area in which Spinball fits into.
I think the reason people are saying that this is tall is because it is being called a family coaster. We're used to that term refering to small powered models, whereas this isn't.
gavin said:
#pmbo said:
Everyone's saying how the pictures don't do SW6 any justice

It looks like a giant roller skater in the pictures. It looks like a giant roller skater in real life. The pictures do it plenty of justice.

Yeah, from a visual standpoint the coaster is a disappointment.

Shame it's bi-rail instead of a tri-track track.
It's just so pathetic looking.
^I didn't say I was disappointed by it at all, though I suppose it did come across like that. I was just commenting on what the track is reminding me of at the moment, what with it being bi-rail, tire lift etc.

On the whole, if the station and area get the theming we're hoping for, I think it will end up looking pretty good and should ride pretty well, too.
For me Alton have not really let me down yet when they do theme a ride so I am hopeful.

I still have a worry the coaster is going to be to stop and go, but if it's themed well they can get round that problem.

I have sort of high hopes for it as an attraction, yes its not going to be as thrilling as Nemesis etc but it will be new and they do seem to be making an effort.

I am looking forward to riding it I have to admit hence why I am not really following this topic. I have now seen all I need to see and will wait to see it in March when it's complete.
marc said:
For me Alton have not really let me down yet when they do theme a ride so I am hopeful.

In my opinion, Alton's last 2 coasters, even 3, but Air does fit in now, have all failed on the theme front. Pinball - Just No, Rita - Ug Land Ruined! But this should pull things together :)
Jools, as I said when they DO theme a ride they do it ok.

Rita is not themed, Ug Land was pants even before it was installed. What was in that area? a 20 year old coaster and 2 rubbish flat rides. I hated this area from day 1 anyway, it looked cheep and nasty and it needed a re think.

Spinball well tbh is that themed? Who really cares its in an area that is not themed anyway.

The classic Alton stuff is right at the other end of the park anyway. Thats when things were done properly. The area around Nemesis is very good, the area around the mine train is good. Air well some people say that was meant to have a theme, but it got pulled due to stuff happening in the world at the time.
Secret Weapon Arrives at the Resort!

The Alton Towers Resort wish to inform commuters that they may experience slight delays to their journeys if travelling around the Grimsby, S****horpe, Sheffield and Derby areas on Sunday 8th and Monday 9th November between the hours of 8am Sunday and 6am Monday. The Resort will be taking delivery of a key component of their new attraction to launch in March 2010, and this unique item will be transported across the country at a maximum speed of 40 mph.

The new ride, codenamed Secret Weapon 6, will be located upon the site previously home to the Corkscrew, and will be a World's first attraction. To ensure the key elements of the attraction remain a secret, this special component will be suitably wrapped and concealed, giving passers-by no clues as to what lies within!

The Alton Towers Resort apologise for any inconvenience caused to commuters, but guarantee that the new attraction will be well worth the wait!

A very good enthusiast teaser video has been made by the resort as well...


Looking good! cool)
That's actually really amusing - not sure if it's in the right way, but yeah, it's made me smile anyway :lol:
Probably for the hydrolics and/or mechanisms for the secret section, but could possibly be trains.

Also Marc, Air was supposed to be themed to an oasis but this was scaled back due to the ride running well over budget. Nothing to do with what was happening in the world, the attack on Nemesis theme was just a rumour and I doubt 9/11 would have made hem change it.
^Cheers Blaze was just saying what I had heard that was all.

Furie it made me laugh as well, either I am looking into this to much but there are a few words in there that I think might be clues. Plus as well its a way of advertising the ride.

In other words the 40mph part, max speed of the ride.
Launch, which I read as the backwards launch part.

I do hope that they dont "drop" the part :)

As I said I have probably read that part wrong, but I do not really see the need to mention them 2 words like that.
Its funny they way they are trying to make out its an important bit of traffic information but here are a few lines about our new attraction.

Anyway interesting way of getting another plug in.
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