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THORPE PARK - Fright Nights, various dates in Oct


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
Fright Nights are back and even more terrifying then ever. A whole different Park after dark as you’re left at the mercy of the master manipulator, Jigsaw, as you brave the world’s most extreme horror package, SAW Alive and SAW – The Ride.

Live action horror mazes: The Curse; Se7en; The Asylum; and Hellgate. Experience exhilarating rides in the dark and terrifying live action horror mazes including Jigsaw’s newest nerve shredding game, SAW Alive.

Strictly advance booking only (including Merlin pass holders).

Opening times:
Fri, Sat & Sun during Oct: 10am - 10pm
25-28 Oct: 10am-10pm

Also part of the "GhosterForce" CF-Live on Monday 25th October. Keep an eye on the CF-Live forum!
Thought I would post this as Ian missed it. Merlin Annual Pass Website

7th October will be FREE for Merlin Annual Pass holders and you won't have to book your ticket in advance, you can simply take your pass on the day!

I will be there as it is free.
Also remember that the park are advertising their new Horror Zones. It's basically like the scare zones in America where actors roam an area of the park and scare people passing by. It's almost definite that the area will be on the Saw Island as it doesn't interfere with the paths loop going around the park so people can avoid it if they want.
Hmmm not entirely impressed. Just booked my ticket and it's a minimum £1 charge booking fee on top of that fiver for debit cards and £2 for some credit cards. Nothing like squeezing all they can from the punters :evil:

I will prob. try and make the evening of the 7th as well, gotta make the most of those freebies :)
LMFAO the Dead End Zone is poo!
Actually involves 10 metres of bins, old park ranger statues and the sign for zodiac, with some actors! I've never been so scarred of an elephant in a ranger's hat!

Rest of the park looks great though! Nice one Thorpe.
Except you could have opened Stealth - it was down for the whole evening :(
Just an update from the opening night:

Through out the day the park wasn't too crowded with quite a few walk INS through out the park. In regards to the park as a whole I found it to be lacking against last years HHN's due to no theming around the park such as no body bags hanging from stealths launch, or the dead engineer under inferno etc

The mazes seven lacked from last year, this may of been due to that we entered just after an e-stop but who knows!!'
Hellcats was the same as last year no real change but all in all it was a decent maze

The curse was a bit hit an miss first time round we found it to be a bit lacking but second time round it was a lot better!!

As always the asylum was awesome an the actors were on form with interacting with the group as at one point I was leading their was an actor cowering against a wall so playing along I put out my arms an then ended up hugging the actor an then he went ballistic at the group

The scare zone: don't even get me started on it even some of the staff we spoke to were saying it was utter back an tthey were right!!!

Word of advice to thorpe? Bring back the actors in the saw Alice que/area get rid of the scare zone an have the saw island as a whole as a free roaming scare zone oh an also bring back the flame pots an more fog in the saw area an around set an inferno etc!!!!
have the saw island as a whole as a free roaming scare zone

This is actually what I was expecting for Dead End, but instead it was really, and truly crap!!! Seriously - sort that out Thorpe.

I did Hellgate and Saw Alive too, both of which were really good. I didn't attempt the other mazes last night because the friend I was with is a big wuss, but I'm going back so will do them then.

Big thanks to all the actors though - they were fab. I love the fact that they are actually allowed to touch you. The scariest thing was when one stroked the back of my hair - ewwww, and the slapping of chains against the floor was a fairly intimidating addition. Also a big yay for the seemingly large number of hot girls doing impressions of the Ring!

more fog in the saw area

Seriously? I walked round past the police car at one point and couldn't see a bloody thing! I agree more theming through the rest of the park would have been good though. And having Stealth actually open would have been a good move. But the staff were fab - they all had facepaint and had put in a big effort I feel.
Scare zone was pretty, but as an attraction it was bollocks. Asylum was still best. Se7en was OK. The other two were crap.

Some nice water effects in Inferno's tunnel and lots of smoke everywhere.

Got on 59 rides/attractions yesturday, so I was pretty happy with that count. Rides were 10 mins - Walk-on (except Seven and Saw) and running at a good capacity. Rides are not themed like other years. Facepaint for staff was a nice touch!

Slammer was in many bits... seats and structure were not on the arm and had a green crane over it. Stealth died late in the day and the winch house was open. Was happy with 7 rides on it though, just would of liked to ride it in the dark...

The music seems to be a mix of:
Midnight Syndicate - Legions of the Dead (every area had this track)
Vampire (ride) re-edit
Dead Silence - Main Titles
The track with the wipping + monks?

I fairly enjoyed it anyway... but now suffering for it.
59!!! Blimey you must be knackered!

Yeah queues were non existent which was great! We only went for 3 hours and got on 13 rides!

Thanks for reminding me about the music - it was excellent, I might actually try and get hold of it - I'm assuming they sell it as it's Merlin lol.
What I meant by more fog in the saw area was that more fog machinhea shud of been placed around the island an on a lower setting (if that can be done) to get a better effect. An the area last year around det an inferno was fogged also!! Was immense can just imagine sliders an chainsaw guys in that area!!!

An also to add two cents into what I think Thorpe shud do: around neptunes Irtysh can add some water make it red an place bodies in the water!!

An I agree with everyone else staff make up was a nice touch also!!

Also sorry for the bad spelling in places my iPhone is being a bit Meg with the comment box lol
The thing is. Now the park has 5 Scare attractions and a Horror Zone. A lot more should be spent on the park. The is no themeing whatsoever around the park to show it's fright nights.
I've just got back from Port Aventura's Halloween event and it was fantastic. The Halloween themeing around the park was great and almost all of it was done overnight. If a park that size can do something like that then it should be no problem for Thorpe.
When the rides have had props and themeing before that's all been done by the staff who work on the rides.

You really need a creepy atmosphere around the park. Fog, lights, spooky music and Halloween theming.

Chessington theme the park to some extent. But even then it just seems like they order 800 pumpkins and scatter them randomly around the park.
I posted this in the GF topic, realised the dates, and them deleted it :p But here it is for anybody else planning on 2-4-1ing Thorpe this year:

With this 2-4-1 there is no need to sign up on Thorpe website, no catch at all it seems - just turn up with it and pay :)

Secondly, it has 2 free SAW: The Ride fast tracks which can be redeemed when you present your entry tickets at Fast track desks.

This Voucher is valid until 30.04.2011 EXCLUDING 28 - 31.10.2010 & 22 - 25.04.2010

Sign up to get one: http://www.first4movies.com/promotional3.validatepin.do?screeningProgramme.pin=940102&
Went on the 24th and i was pretty impressed with the Scarefest, plus the park in general, since it ws my first time in Thorpe Park.

The Scarefest queue lines were pretty short between about 4-7pm, but after that they seemed to get more attention, leaving the coasters with very short queues, which i was happy with.

When i was queuing for Se7en, something quite bizarre happened. The ride attendents said that it was experiencing 'Technical difficulties', even though all the lights seemed to be working fine and the background music was playing still. I didnt really get that part of the day.

Anyway, Fright Nights was itself great, it was funny watching everyone in front of me crap themselves when someone jumped out.

Great Day!
Went on the 24th and i was pretty impressed with the Scarefest, plus the park in general, since it ws my first time in Thorpe Park.

The Scarefest queue lines were pretty short between about 4-7pm, but after that they seemed to get more attention, leaving the coasters with very short queues, which i was happy with.

When i was queuing for Se7en, something quite bizarre happened. The ride attendents said that it was experiencing 'Technical difficulties', even though all the lights seemed to be working fine and the background music was playing still. I didnt really get that part of the day.

Anyway, Fright Nights was itself great, it was funny watching everyone in front of me crap themselves when someone jumped out.

Great Day!
^No need to post it 4 times. :p

Fright Nights wasn't that good this year.
Hellgate has gone crap again and the new Terror Zone was so bad it's beyond a joke.
Asylum was alright but the chainsaw was broken and Se7en was average.

The only good thing was the amount of smoke. The whole bottom area where Rush etc is had loads and loads of smoke which made everything look really cool and creepy. :p

But yeah. As an event Thorpe really need to have a big rethink. Completely change the mazes (Asylum and Hellgate have been there about 7 years now) and do proper scare zones.
Also the park themeing for Halloween was non-existent. In fact all Halloween means to Thorpe is that the park closes a bit later. :p

The organisation was also crap. With the pre-paid tickets and everyone getting confused what queue they're meant to get in. I was stood at the ticket window for 10 minutes before they served me as they said they can't do it till 10am and the area in front of the gates had cleared.

Sort yourself out Thorpe.