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Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

Saturday in June one one train.. Virtual queue I think would be the only way to make it tolerable. Maybe a queue cap? Or time slot it? Standby queue is gonna be 5 hours+.
Hyperia seems pretty cursed so far. One train opps is a lesser evil than not opening at all, but DAMN that sounds ****ing horrible. I hope to god this is all sorted later in the year so I can visit. At the moment it's just too far away from me to justify the risk of it not operating right now. What a ****show.
They have the system in place already though, it's built into accesso.

(In fact, didn't they use it for DBGT at one point?)

DBGT had timed tickets, so different to virtual queueing. They effectively worked like FN Maze tickets too.

Whilst they have a virtual queue system with accesso, Thorpe don't use it. I won't say I know what would need to be done, but I imagine it would include:
-Having to set up a new branded Web page (likely having to work with accesso)
-Create information about virtual queueing
-Staff training

Along with having to make the decision about whether to open on 1 train for what should be a short period time, that is a minimal turnaround for a lot of work. On top of that, it would be introducing a (sort of) new system to the park, adding another layer of potential issues to an attraction where there's already a lot of spotlight on it.

Virtual queueing would be a nice option, especially since it's a painful ride to queue for one 1 train, but I can see why they're (presumably) not doing it.
DBGT had timed tickets, so different to virtual queueing. They effectively worked like FN Maze tickets too.

Whilst they have a virtual queue system with accesso, Thorpe don't use it. I won't say I know what would need to be done, but I imagine it would include:
-Having to set up a new branded Web page (likely having to work with accesso)
-Create information about virtual queueing
-Staff training

Along with having to make the decision about whether to open on 1 train for what should be a short period time, that is a minimal turnaround for a lot of work. On top of that, it would be introducing a (sort of) new system to the park, adding another layer of potential issues to an attraction where there's already a lot of spotlight on it.

Virtual queueing would be a nice option, especially since it's a painful ride to queue for one 1 train, but I can see why they're (presumably) not doing it.
Kind of...

They'd have to create a web page... But it would not need to be dynamic, they'd just have a static page that links to Accesso's system like they do for tickets, fast track etc. As well as links within the park app. That would take minutes for Merlin's in house devs. (It would take me minutes. And I got out of web design and development years ago!)

They would need to train staff. But this wouldn't take long. The staff are trained on 'merge' already, so it's mostly a case of showing them what they're looking for in terms of virtual queue tickets.

They'd need physical signage, this would probably take the longest to be honest, depending on whether they outsource printing and signage (most likely.)

They'd also have to set it up within accesso, I don't know my way around their admin / backend, so no idea how hard this is. But Merlin have experience with it, as they're listed as a primary customer to the service on the accesso virtual queue page (Legoland Windsor apparently.)

Another thing that might take a while, is learning how many they can release per day / time slot / block. I'm sure they could start low and add more later if they're available, however this kind of thing would also require staff training.

It 'could' have been done. Unless they really are that short sighted, they'd have known there would be a period between the train being removed and readded that they might want to operate on one train, so I'd be surprised if the decision to run on one was only taken yesterday.

I wonder if it's something they should be considering in general going forward anyway, the queues with 2 trains are set to be upwards of 3 hours during the holidays, and then it's already in place for days like today.

P.s TImed tickets are still a virtual queue... It's the only system that would really work in this situation. Well maybe boarding groups would work too... But either way, they're all forms of virtual queues.
Appears to only be opening from around 12 today. The app shows opening hours as 12:00 - 18:00 (and also "Delayed"), and there are signs at the entrance saying there'll be a delay but they don't know how long. Pretty poor show for such short opening hours.

I'm going tomorrow and hoping that it's operating, and that there isn't such a lengthy delay.
Appears to only be opening from around 12 today. The app shows opening hours as 12:00 - 18:00 (and also "Delayed"), and there are signs at the entrance saying there'll be a delay but they don't know how long. Pretty poor show for such short opening hours.

I'm going tomorrow and hoping that it's operating, and that there isn't such a lengthy delay.

This is the reason for the delay every morning

They're working on sorting out as many of the ride's issues as they can. Fully support opening at midday if that's the goal. The park need to get the ride up to a better operational standard before the summer madness begins.
With the shortest thrill coaster queue right now being 80 minutes, the “summer madness” has arguably already begun! Looking at the queue times on Thorpe’s app, I think we’ve well and truly entered school trip season…

On the plus side, Hyperia is now open after an initial delayed start, on 2 trains and a 120 minute queue!
With the shortest thrill coaster queue right now being 80 minutes, the “summer madness” has arguably already begun! Looking at the queue times on Thorpe’s app, I think we’ve well and truly entered school trip season…

On the plus side, Hyperia is now open after an initial delayed start, on 2 trains and a 120 minute queue!
I had a look on the app earlier and 3 thrill rides were over 100mins as well as storm surge
Ghost Train used to just open later in the day as well didn't it when it was new?

Feel like every time we've been to Thorpe hardly anything is open for the first hour or so
Anyone got any views on when might be the “best possible day” to visit in the next few weeks, in terms of busy’ness? I had booked to go for Hyperia a few days after it opened (it got closed), then rebooked for 10th June (still closed), then when i visited on 19th June, it valleyed😅😭. I was trying to avoid the busy summer season, but now have little choice (unless I wait till September!).

My thinking was to just go as early as possible on a Sunday, get a ride in early, then single rider queue it. I don’t really want to have to take another day of annual leave to visit, and I’m imagining at this point, with school trips, weekdays aren’t going to be all that much better… Any insights and thoughts would be much appreciated! 😀 thanks!