I cannot find any details on exactly which supports sit within 3b. Sure the info is there somewhere amongst the crazy amount of documents, but I can't find it. I did see a map that outlines the entire zone 3, but it doesn't break down which parts are 3a and 3b. Thorpe do clearly state that it is only supports that lie within 3b though.What part of the ride actually falls within Flood Zone 3B? Is it a substantial percentage of it, or just a small part of it?
That's what I just asked lol.What part of the ride actually falls within Flood Zone 3B? Is it a substantial percentage of it, or just a small part of it?
Hopefully it won't be too difficult to rectify then.I cannot find any details on exactly which supports sit within 3b. Sure the info is there somewhere amongst the crazy amount of documents, but I can't find it. I did see a map that outlines the entire zone 3, but it doesn't break down which parts are 3a and 3b. Thorpe do clearly state that it is only supports that lie within 3b though.
It's the local authority that splits zone 3 down into 3a and 3b, you can find the maps here: http://maps.runnymede.gov.uk/website/maps/index.html#I cannot find any details on exactly which supports sit within 3b. Sure the info is there somewhere amongst the crazy amount of documents, but I can't find it. I did see a map that outlines the entire zone 3, but it doesn't break down which parts are 3a and 3b. Thorpe do clearly state that it is only supports that lie within 3b though.
The use of 'or' seems to imply the supports should be fine because they're water compatible regardless of development type?Where Water Compatible or Essential Infrastructure cannot be located elsewhere, it must:
• Remain operational and safe for users in times of flood;
• Result in no net loss of flood storage;
• Not impede water flows; and
• Not increase flood risk elsewhere.
It's pretty much the whole lakeWhat part of the ride actually falls within Flood Zone 3B? Is it a substantial percentage of it, or just a small part of it?
Tbf Loggers was built 30+ years ago, so it's not too much of a stretch to suggest that what is and isn't fine has changed. And I guess the EA (or any other authority) cannot retrospectively demand these things to be removed when these things change.So seeing as it’s pretty much the whole lake surely the current Loggers Leap supports are also within this same area?
Yet those supports are fine?
There is also a letter from 2010 in the planning documents from the council that states that if the area is already a developed area, such as Thorpe is, then development should not be impeded by flood zone 3b up to a point of saturation, which has not been reached yet. I’ll find it later (on my phone now) but if you want to look, it’s part of one of the responses to the EA.It's the local authority that splits zone 3 down into 3a and 3b, you can find the maps here: http://maps.runnymede.gov.uk/website/maps/index.html#
(A fact that took me far too long to figure out and even longer to find the maps)
Seems odd that the council has the authority to classify the zones but not to approve plans against its own policy. Their 'Strategic flood assessment' from 2018 says this about zone 3b: [emphasis added]
The use of 'or' seems to imply the supports should be fine because they're water compatible regardless of development type?
It's pretty much the whole lake
View attachment 20033
Looks like Thorpe have taken this show of support from the LPA and ran with it, uploading a shed load of new supporting documents.There is also now a new document from the council towards the EA:
View attachment 20302
In short, it appears that the council are confused by the EA's position (specifically about "Objection 2" I believe), and are seeking further clarifications.
As has been discussed in the past, whilst bodies like the EA can object to a development, the ultimate decision lies with the council. They can take these objections on board, but still decide to give approval, provided they give their reasoning. Seemingly, as things stand, the council side with Thorpe on Objection 2.
And with Objection 1, it seems that Thorpe have nothing more to say. But, the park do have history with construction in these 'bad' flood zones (Swarm being the key example, which the park have leaned on). Optimistically, one could suggest that the council would be more inclined to again side with Thorpe over the EA in this case too, given the history there.
The interesting subplot about this now that hasn't been mentioned really is timing. In the original, full, application, the park said they'd look to start construction in November. Obviously preliminary work would take place before then (and did earlier in the year). There's two things I wonder now:
1. Did the park stop doing preliminary work because of some uncertainty during all this? If so, has that delayed them? If not, why was construction going to start in November, when they anticipated a summer approval originally?
2. The absolute earliest this could be approved now is October, but even then, there's no guarantee it will be considered then. Could this be dragged out long enough that, if approved, construction starts later than planned? Will the park literally be having to play catch up from the word go?