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Thorpe Park |"The Swarm"| B&M Wing Coaster

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Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

Personally though, I doubt any more track will have been installed (Ok, maybe the in-line twist will have a track piece installed) but I think they'll be continuing with the "forest" of supports they're putting up...

Still, can't wait to see how this is progressing! :--D
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

Well, considering that this image was taken 3 days ago: (ThemeUK)


You'd expect some track to be done maybe? i don't know, and to be honest i'm not that fussed really :)

They could of worked more on the station, who know's unless we have an update ;)
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

Would everyone also please remember it seems that the builders have weekends OFF so no work is completed at the weekend?
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

Weekends off? Are you serious bro? Don't they realise there's people on here who NEED updates man? How **** selfish are they, bet they even take tea breaks during the day when they could be tightening the bolts on the next piece of track so somebody else can do the leg work and take a picture of it for me so I can stop posting about when there will be a new update and instead start posting about how good the latest picture is.

Checked spelling.

Hopefully it won't upset anyone as the people it's aimed at are a bit too dense to understand it.

Added to the discussion?


I'm not actually sure of some of the skyline shots, think it might be the catwalks that spoil it somewhat but yeah, not keen on it for some reason.
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

The builders don't have weekends off.
I was there on Saturday and I saw cranes changing ground position and people in hardhats walking up and down the lift all day. Nothing has changed since the last update.
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

I can't wait to see an update soon , they must have finished the inline twist by now.
Do you think that thorpe done the left hill first so the GP would think wow i've got to come next year to go on that beast?
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

I've visited a few times on Saturdays during this year, and construction has continued as usual, however, I do believe that construction work does not take place on Sundays.
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

Indeed construction work doesn't take place on sundays. Now, can the next post be some pictures actually showing contruction please.
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

I was there on saturday... unfortunately my camera was playing up so wasnt able to get any pics but there was nothing new

i think they want to get as much of the station structure finished before they put the inline in because you then have no access once its in!

The station is still a big metal frame wih a bit of scaffolding around it! so i dont think the inline will be going up very soon, infact it might probably be one of the last things to go up!

the last pic that shows the first drop looks amazing! cannot wait to ride it, hopefully lots of hangtime like you get when you go through the barrel roll in the building on Saw: the ride, you practically fall out of your seat into the spray of water!
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

I can confirm that no construction takes place on week days.

I've finally decided that I want to sit on the left going through the dive, and on the right for the rest of the ride. So, i'll need to ride it more than once. Thought you'd all like to know.

Also in other useful Thorpe related stuff, I still haven't been on Saw.. And haven't been back to Thorpe Park since Saw's opening DISASTER day. This is actually making me want to go back. Hopefully it will be a tad better than "meh" Raptor.
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

tks said:
I can confirm that no construction takes place on week days.

I've finally decided that I want to sit on the left going through the dive, and on the right for the rest of the ride. So, i'll need to ride it more than once. Thought you'd all like to know.

Also in other useful Thorpe related stuff, I still haven't been on Saw.. And haven't been back to Thorpe Park since Saw's opening DISASTER day. This is actually making me want to go back. Hopefully it will be a tad better than "meh" Raptor.

I think I'll join you. I haven't been to Thorpe since Saw was being built (like AGES ago). I need to catch up with some Thorpe credz </3
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

tks said:
Also in other useful Thorpe related stuff, I still haven't been on Saw.. And haven't been back to Thorpe Park since Saw's opening DISASTER day. This is actually making me want to go back. Hopefully it will be a tad better than "meh" Raptor.

Haha, I've only been on Saw twice I think, and didn't BOTHER with Thorpe at all this season.

Oh, and mega love for the Raptor comment <3.

Wild Eagle still looks better.
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

Looks like the zer-g's done! (taken from the Developers Diary on facebook)

Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

oOoh Pure B&M goodness!

Inclined loop next, looking very nice indeed.
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

It looks like the inclined loop will be quite small actually. Which is good as it means more speed through it. But then again that may just be due to the massively wide angle of the photo. Would be good to see more photos of it soon.
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

I have to admit, that looks so gorgeous ! i love the way it looks, and flows so well.
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

^That's B&M for you!

Considering the size of the inclined loop, it should be pretty forcefull...
Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012

Very nice, and by the looks of it, the pace of track construction is going to be faster now..

''We're completing 3 to 4 sections of track per day now!''

And just saying, that camera does make it looks smaller. We all know how big the station is in real life, but look how small it looks in the camera.. tiny!
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