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Thoughts on Saw

A-Kid said:
Does anybody agree with me that they should of continued the building a bit more around the track after the heartline roll to make the roll area darker?

no - I thought the surprise element of seeing the daylight ahead, and then seeing the twist ahead was a touch of genius!
Project Dan said:
Slash said:
Nemesis Inferno said:
spicy said:
Just send the trains round that will get rid of the sick eventually


Haha... Good one...

Some will of course, come loose of the general muck, but where would it go? Deep into the ride area? Maybe it would fly into general pathways? Land on a guest's head... Yeah, smart thing to do...

And of course, most will have congealed and stuck to the seat, hence still producing the problem...

Either there's a lack of common sense here, or people have never had to clean up sick... Next time it happens, more than happy to make you do it if you want to... :roll:

Benin he was joking... lighten up.

I can see why the sick takes so long to clear up now but surely there could be a better method of picking it up? Maybe we should get on the invention of a moisture absorbing gel.

Isn't silica gel exactly that?

I can't see what's wrong with a mop and some dettol ;D

I always thought it took so long because the ride ops were too lazy to clean it up, and called for a cleaner (they are on minimum wage it its not really their job). But that health and safety stuff is ridiculous, why not just use something less dangerous.

Actually, we Ride Op's use something called Sanitare, Which absorbs all the moisture in the sick.. and No, We don't call someone over to do it, we do it ourselves.. and remember, if someone's been sick on the train, its rather difficult to clean.
I thought Thorpe call that theming thoug Chris :).

Thats what happened at BGA, someone was sick on the track. They cleaned it then sent the trains round a few times.

Though I got a text from a friend asking if I had seen it, presumely due to the advert since Kara also commented on it at a similar time...

Wonder what everyone was watching :lol:
Screaming Coasters said:
^ The ride IS actually awesome.
Haveeee, you been on it?

Yep queued 2 and half hours for it last Saturday sat back row far left seat car 2.

I have since been told that is not a very good seat and none of the effects were working that day, plus queueing that long never helps!

I was left very dissapointed. :(

Think I need to ride it more though only went on it once due to the rediculous queue.
Erol sorry mate but you also told us Baco was fantastic and then when 15 people said no its not your then said you need to sit on a certain seat lol.

Other people however have also said the coaster is ok so there must be something good about it.
^ They should let you queue for the front section because you just get what your given, when I said I wanted to sit in the front he wouldn't let me.

I can't see it improving it that much anyway but hope Im wrong.
The two Eurofighters I've done have both had very different rides front and back. It also seems to vary train to train too a little.

My point (as with Baco), it shouldn't matter where you sit, you should know if a ride is good no matter where you sit - enjoyment shouldn't be dependent on seat position (Nemesis is poor in the third row in for instance, but it's still not a bad ride, just a bit bland).
spicy said:
Yep queued 2 and half hours for it last Saturday sat back row far left seat car 2.

That is the most comfortable seat, you don't feel the evilness at the bottom of the first drop anywhere near as much as you do at the front.

However, you do get a better view from the front. But remember to sit on the far left no matter what row you sit in, as it is much less painful than the right.
Like Furie said it should be the same experience wherever you sit. I'm surprised at how much everyone says it varies from seat to seat. Especially considering how small Eurofighter cars are.