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Togo - Your Favourite/Worst?


Mega Poster
Ok, there's no denying that Togo made rough and uncomfortable rides, but are there any particular coasters that really stuck out to you, for good reasons?

And are there any that you hate? Sort of favourite best/favourite worst Togo coasters?

Having been on 19 (or 20 depending on how you count Milky Way) of the currently operating ones, and one that isn't anymore, then I have to say that there are a few that I really love, but also some that are not as fun as the rest of them.

I love:
* Bandit: a really nice ride with loads of speed, just pure fun.

* Megaton: the best ultra-twister I have been on, it's a really fun experience, and the ride-ops are ace.

* Milky way: (the stand up side only) since it gives you the best air-time I have ever experienced, ejector standing up, just an awesome coaster.

Others worth mentioning are: Fujiyama, Mega Coaster, Surf Coaster

There are a few that I don't like as much, but I wouldn't class them as "Death Mashines" since I have been on far worse coasters:

* Zola 7: I mean WTF?? Just rubbish.

* Hurricane - Screw & Loop Coaster: gave us a bit of a beating on one of it's corkscrews, but no where close to what a SLC or Vekoma/Arrow looper does.

* Crazy Mouse (Tobu Zoo): only because my computer didn't like it :)

Another ride I must add to this list is the Wildstorm flat ride, it's one of the best flat's in existence.
I've only ridden four Togo coasters, one of which I like - Skyrider at Canada's Wonderland. I don't mind Shockwave at Kings Dominion as much as others do & it's much better than Ulta Twister & Viper at SFGAdv were. Both of those were bad, but Viper was in a class all it's own (as UC so rightly pointed out).
I've only ridden Manhattan Express which is....an experience. :razz:

Having a favorite Togo, especially in the United States, is like having a favorite flavor of dog poop.

It's still ****.
I've only done Skyrider at Canada's Wonderland because unfortunately Shockwave was closed when I was at KD.

I "liked" it, I mean, it wasn't wonderful or anything, but, it wasn't as painful as I thought it would be.

I'm "excited" for Manhattan Express in Summer... (or not)
I've not been on any of them! From what I've heard, I'm not missing much.
Skyrider at Wonderland would be my best and my worst because it's the only one I have been on, but if all Togo coasters are like this one, people totally over exaggerate how rough they are.
I have only ridden Manhatten Express, and found it to be a piss poor, unenjyable and all round poor quality ride.
Love, love, love Fujiyama. It's just such a fun coaster that unfortunately just gets overshadowed by the general whining about Fuji-Q.

I really enjoyed Bandit, too, but it would benefit hugely if it didn't have those otsrs.

The looping mouse at Tobu Zoo was cool, too, as was Surf Coaster.

I'm not a fan of Zola 7 at all, SL Coaster at Yomiuriland is crap, and White Canyon really is just an endurance test.
Aw, geez, you gave UC a chance to talk about Viper ... :D.

Personally, I've only been on the 3 in North America (I think those are the only 3 over here), and I didn't really see what people were complaining about on all of them.

Loved SkyRider; currently my favorite standup (yes, over GA Cyclone). You have to be careful on Shockwave; it has some pretty sudden forces. If you aren't in the restraint well or not paying attention, I could see how it might get painful. I've never had a problem, though.

And what a great first topic for my new sig.
I thought Shockwave was okay actually. Not as good as our Shockwave, but it was certainly ridable. I'm in no rush back to it though.

I have to say, I didn't find it at all painful :)

So that's my best AND worst Togo - Togo count = 1! :lol:
Just got back from Fuji Q and reminded myself how much I love Fujiyama. That is all.
I really hate TOGOs, but I will admit some people over play how rough they are. But overall, I dont have a favorite TOGO, they all suck (the 2 I have been on anyways) in my opinion.