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Top 10(ish): 2024 Edition - page 124

But it's gotten all rough now? It's literally three hills and doesn't stack up to anything that's being built now?

Do not get the Toro thing, and it was even worse last week. Had to actually force myself to ride it a second time.

Agreed completely. I found the turnaround and last transitions to be very rough. Still obviously a great coaster but extremely overrated.
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Rode El Toro last summer and did not find it that rattly. Sure it was a little shakey during the turnaround after the double huge camelbacks, but that's it. Maybe I was outrageously lucky?

Toro might be just three hills, but the airtime is quite fab on each of those, and there's not many big ejector humps that compare to that in Europe. (EGF and maybe Goliath are the only ones that come to mind)
My massive trip is done, so I can finally post on here. New creds in bold (spoiler alert- there's a lot of bold on this list).
1. El Toro
2. Outlaw Run
3. Iron Rattler
4. Wicked Cyclone
5. The Voyage
6. Skyrush
7. Fury 325

8. Maverick
9. Intimidator 305
10. Goliath GAm
11. New Texas Giant
12. Leviathan
13. Phantom's Revenge

14. Storm Chaser
15. Superman the Ride
16. Mystic Timbers

17. Millennium Force
18. Boulder Dash
19. Top Thrill Dragster
20. Behemoth
21. Diamondback
22. Apollo's Chariot
23. Storm Runner
24. Fahrenheit
25. Phoenix
26. Goliath La Ronde
27. Nitro

28. Thunderbird
29. Intimidator
30. Afterburn

31. Banshee
32. Goliath Over Georgia
33. Superman Ride of Steel SFA
34. Prowler
35. Lightning Run
36. Kingda Ka
37. The Legend
38. Superman Krypton Coaster
39. Griffon
40. Raging Bull
That was a hell of a trip. Jealous.
Rode El Toro last summer and did not find it that rattly. Sure it was a little shakey during the turnaround after the double huge camelbacks, but that's it. Maybe I was outrageously lucky?

Toro might be just three hills, but the airtime is quite fab on each of those, and there's not many big ejector humps that compare to that in Europe. (EGF and maybe Goliath are the only ones that come to mind)

Colossos is literally the better version of El Toro ;)

And Balder.

El Toro is fine when it's in a straight line, but when it turns it goes rough.
Colossos is literally the better version of El Toro ;)

And Balder.

El Toro is fine when it's in a straight line, but when it turns it goes rough.
Ha! Not a chance. The helix of wobble on Colossos is the problem, and the best seat is the front where the airtime is all floater. You must be going weak in your old age if you prefer floater to ejector. Toro has miles more ejector and really isn't any rougher than a wood-wormed Colossos, even the turnarounds are similarly rough.

Balder was pretty gash when I rode at Bjorn This Way a few years ago and didn't bother with a re-ride, that speaks volumes from someone who loves whoring good rides.

Generally we share pretty much the same onion, but you're way off base here.
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Nah, I prefer Balder to Colossos. Yes it's a bit clinical but it has way more spots of airtime all the way through and they are all strong and some happen inside tunnels :D
Colossos has the drop and then doesn't really do a great deal - can't compare it with El Toro though as I got spited :(

I find that Balder has good and bad days. But when it's good (like on the Live last year) it's really damn good.
Last year Balder was running really well. I've never cared much for it but last year after rain in the dark it was great! So much fun and good airtime on every hill. Haven't done any other pre-fabs to compare though, but I do think El Toro looks better. Not sure about Colossos yet.
I definitely found Colossos rougher than El Toro. That helix is just terrible! And the airtime on Toro is much more extreme, which is the main reason that I love it a lot more. I'll admit though that pre-fabs don't deal at all well with roughness unlike more traditional woodies, so I can understand that if Toro has gotten rougher why some people wouldn't love it.

Balder is quite different: smooth and full of airtime all around its course, rather than just in isolated sections. However it's not extreme in any way by today's standards, just purely fun.
Colossos is literally the better version of El Toro ;)

And Balder.

El Toro is fine when it's in a straight line, but when it turns it goes rough.

El Toro must have REALLY gone down hill since I last rode it nearly a decade ago. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint but I've found those coasters I've been catching up with as of late have been going in that direction. Of course, it is at a Six Flags park.. not a complete surprise.
El Toro most overrated coaster ever? Nah, that title belongs to Fury 325. Also I got spited out of Lightning Rod this trip, which is what I expected to be my new #1.... ****ing sucks seeing it closed.
El Toro most overrated coaster ever? Nah, that title belongs to Fury 325. Also I got spited out of Lightning Rod this trip, which is what I expected to be my new #1.... :emoji_zipper_mouth:ing sucks seeing it closed.
While overrated is appropriate if you feel it was hyped up higher then it should have been, it's such a crap term to use IMO as it gives the impression you hated it. Of course, using your words (not directed at you Bat Fastard.. even though you did do this.. but I'm just ranting) to explain your position past that word is apparently a very tough enterprise.
^ Snoo, I actually disagree with that very much so. There are a few coasters in and around my top ten that I think are overrated. Boulder Dash is amazing, but overrated. SFGAm's Goliath is overrated, but still in my top fifteen. I think overrated sometimes gets confused with your opinion not coinciding with the masses, though. Chances are, if most people like it and you don't then it's not overrated, if that makes sense. But yeah just because you think something is overrated doesn't mean it can't be in your top ten or whatever.
^ Snoo, I actually disagree with that very much so. There are a few coasters in and around my top ten that I think are overrated. Boulder Dash is amazing, but overrated. SFGAm's Goliath is overrated, but still in my top fifteen. I think overrated sometimes gets confused with your opinion not coinciding with the masses, though. Chances are, if most people like it and you don't then it's not overrated, if that makes sense. But yeah just because you think something is overrated doesn't mean it can't be in your top ten or whatever.

Well if you think something is overrated, that IS your opinion, regardless of how others feel. And in general, if you do feel something is overrated, that is typically because of the fact that many others feel differently. As I stated, there is nothing wrong with that but there are not only better terms to use (as overrated implies a negative stigma while other words do not) but there are ways grammatically to convey your opinion of a ride, which does not coincide with popular opinion, that allows for more active discussion and a more accurate rating of a ride.

My point is all about how you convey your opinion more then simply having your opinion in the first place (apologies if that wasn't clear). Heck, we all remember Skyrush back in 2012. I was one of the lone rangers who was not immediately "This is my favorite" but I tried to shy away from 'overrated' as much as possible when conversing with the rest of the group regarding the ride for the rest of the trip and afterwards.
I understand both sides or the argument really, best example from a personal perspective is Bizarro. Great ride as it is, I didn't get the wow factor that was described to me prior to riding and expected something which would challenge my top 5. Not only did it not make the top 5 but didn't even make it into my top 10, and settled around 12th/13th, so still one of the better ones.
If you rate something in your top 10, no matter your count, be it 100 or 1100, that cred has wow'd you and the use of "overrated" simply can't apply, by all means convey your opinion in another way, but to over rate something implies you believe it undeserving of a high rating.