Yeah Matt, pretty sure we've had this conversation before. So long as you feel Mako was your best coaster experience, there's no reason you should move it down.
Time since the last ride isn't a factor to how I rate my coasters. I generally rank them based on my latest experience with each coaster, so if you go re ride a coaster and it's not as good as you once thought, so be it. Until I ride a coaster again, there's no reason for me to lower its rankings, unless I come across better coasters. Hixee's experience with Boulder Dash is a great example.
I suppose lack of experience is a fair point. Nemesis is the cred in my Top 10 that I've gone the longest since riding (6 years), and I had a little over 50 creds when I first rode it. But my low coaster count isn't going to take away how I felt during the ride, and those feelings are certainly comparable to more recent additions in my Top 10.
Question is, if I ride Nemesis again, will it drop in my rankings? I honestly don't know. Despite my low coaster count, I already had another five B&M inverts on my plate, and no invert since then has come close to Nemesis. But maybe it'll ride worse with age? I don't know about that either. If it rode perfectly on its 20th anniversary, I don't see any reason it would ride any different 6 years later. But until I ride it again, I'll keep it where it is... even if it takes me a decade to return.
However, the best is when you go a while without riding one of your favorite rides, and riding it again and realizing it's just as good as you remember. I went four years without riding Skyrush, and during that timeframe I more or less tripled my coaster count. But Skyrush held up when I rode it again last year! In fact it was even better than I remember, because I figured out how to keep my hands up over those airtime hills lol.
Out of curiosity, I went and sought out my old rankings after I rode Nemesis. Here's how the Top 5 looked:
1. Boulder Dash
2. Top Thrill Dragster
3. Millennium Force
4. Nemesis
5. Bizarro
The biggest takeaway here is that those four other coasters aren't in my Top 10 anymore. So what happened there?
Well, I rode them again.

Boulder Dash got rougher, so that was an easy drop down the rankings. TTD and MF in themselves actually haven't changed, I just think it was down to lack of experience (I first rode them with around 20 creds) and realizing there are better rides out there. Each time I've visited CP, they keep falling down the list.
I guess you could say, based on my opinions now, that Nemesis was the best coaster I had ridden in 2014 (or Maverick, seeing that it had jumped over Nemesis since then), but obviously that wasn't how I felt back then. Nonetheless, Nemesis has held a firm grip in the Top 10.
ALSO, while looking for my old rankings from 2014, it was fun coming across people's old rankings and how much they can differ compared to now. This one is my favorite:
Re: Top 10(ish): 2014 Edition
Ok, this is my first attempt to actually rank my favourites in order, so here goes:
1. Nemesis.
2. Kingda Ka.
Never forget.