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Top 5 or 10 coasters in your home country

1. Steeplechase!
2. Saw The Ride
3. Nemesis
4. Swarm
5. Thirteen (for what it is, I actually think it's great fun. It fills that gap between family/big coasters nicely)
6. Megafobia
7. Speed (just for that lovely airtime hill)
8. Dragons Fury
9. Shockwave
10. Oblivion
Radaxian said:
1. Steeplechase!
2. Saw The Ride
3. Nemesis
4. Swarm
5. Thirteen (for what it is, I actually think it's great fun. It fills that gap between family/big coasters nicely)
6. Megafobia
7. Speed (just for that lovely airtime hill)
8. Dragons Fury
9. Shockwave
10. Oblivion

Strange list! I do like steeplechase, but no sign of BPB wild mouse???
No way, BPB Wild Mouse tried to kill me! In fact, most of the rides at Blackpool did. Apart from Steeplechase <3
lol whats the hype with oblivion about?
At least those Eurofighters have length (and I still hate them) ...

I generally dislike Eurofighters, Speed is an exception but Saw is pretty much one of the worst rides I've ever been on.
fefa said:
lol whats the hype with oblivion about?
At least those Eurofighters have length (and I still hate them) ...

I generally dislike Eurofighters, Speed is an exception but Saw is pretty much one of the worst rides I've ever been on.

Oblivion gives one of the best, if not the best, drops in the world, plus it's an extremely comfortable ride.

Eurofighters are generally bleh, although the one at Mall of America wasn't that bad.
Yeah, but that's all it does Mike and it's over even quicker than I am (by about 2 seconds ;) ).
This is going to be awkward.

1. Corkscrew. (the kind with the vertical loop before the 2 screws)

2. I sometimes like to sit on a skateboard and roll down a massive steep street. By skateboard, I mean a plastic rubbish bag. And by massive steep street, I mean a gentle grassy dale.

3. I live in New Zealand. Give me a break.
Martyn B said:
Two Eurofighters better than Oblivion?! :shock:

Oblivion would be top of my list if it were as long as Griffon/Sheikra. I'm not a fan of mega short coasters that only do one thing - as amazing as that one thing is, I want to feel as though I've gone on a journey not a downwards facing drop tower!

I don't think I'll ever understand the Eurofighter disdain, I really rate them and have yet to ride a bad one.
(1: the defunct looping star at Bobbejaanland, my first looping coaster. I went to Slagharen 2 days ago, I was happy to see one of these amazing beauty's running!)

1: Anubis The Ride, Plopsaland: Amazingly themed, a very strong launch but a bumpy ride. Plopsaland is my homepark, so Anubis is the coaster I rode the most. 2 years ago, I made 55 rides on Anubis in one day!

2: Loup Garou: Walibi Belgium: A small woodie, but it doesn't suck. It is also the only good coaster at WB (note that Turbine isn't open, never rode that)

3: Vickie: the ride: Plopsacoo: Amazingly good spinning coaster with lots of airtime and spinning.

4: Coaster: Plopsacoo: the only terrain-coaster in Belgium. It has surprising airtime and a smooth and fun layout!

5: Sorry, all the other coasters in Belgium suck

I will ride Huracan in a few days and Turbine not much later, I would be happy to see that top 5 changing.
I'm probably opening myself up for some violence with this, but bring it on!

1. Nemesis - I just can't see a future without it, surely no more explaination is needed

2. Grand National - it's wooed generations of thrill seekers and continues to pack a punch. I know it gets a lot of bad press from enthusiasts because it's a bit rough these days, but I like it's character and it's retro Art Deco look and love the way it throws you into the ride and the interaction it allows between trains

3. Wild Mouse, Blackpool - like nothing else on Earth, it must be ridden to be believed. It's violent to the point of insanity and I'll cry buckets when it eventually gets retired.

4. Megafobia - a hidden gem of a ride with a fantastic first drop (but after that, it's all downhill - snarf, snarf). It has to go in this list as the UK's only decent modern woodie

5. The Ultimate - it sums up British engineering for me - they tried hard, made something huge and intimidating, but somehow got it completely wrong. It's as painful as you can get, leaving riders with bruises and even blood - yet somehow everyone is still endeared to it and keep going back for more. It has character and overall is a completely unique experience

6. Big Dipper, Blackpool - Leaving my lap bar up high (or riding with Big John) is one of the most terrifying experiences I know. Again, I'm aware lots of people think it's poo, but I love the way it creaks and the wood shifts threateningly as you turn into the lift hill, and the airtime is just mental if you just go with it

7. Oblivion - Although I prefer Griffon/SheiKra in therms of overall ride, nothing gets the stomach churning like Blivy's drop, no matter how many times you ride it

8. Stealth - the best launch of any coaster out there, in my opinion. Still a one trick pony, but it's definitely got to be in this list, if only for the fact that it's the only Intamin to make it anywhere near my top 10

9. Vampire - time for something controversial. I know it's a bit lame, but it's my list so back off! Yes it's a bit of nostalgia on my part, but it's also one of the last of a dying breed and it has a certain charm about it. Also, we need it to stay as an introductory 'big coaster' for the next generation

10. Revolution, Blackpool - I know it's old, but I still love this ride and it's 'evil tea-tray'. Again it's on the endangered list (only one of three Arrow shuttles left I think). The drop really does pack a punch and the queueline is very intimidating and helps to make the whole experience memorable

Piraten: While a bit overrated IMO, this remains a high quality and fun coaster, especially in the evening on a hot summerday!
Polar X-Plorer: Rode this for the first time a couple of days ago, and it's a winner! The layout is perfect for a family coaster and the drop section was better than expected!
Juvelen: Great and intense ride for the whole family!
Tornado: One of the best first drops I've ever experienced and it's only 10 m tall! Intamin understands how to add a certain kick to their rides!
Falken: Enjoyable little woodie, with some lovely airtime hills!
TheCoasterCruiser said:

Piraten: While a bit overrated IMO, this remains a high quality and fun coaster, especially in the evening on a hot summerday!
Polar X-Plorer: Rode this for the first time a couple of days ago, and it's a winner! The layout is perfect for a family coaster and the drop section was better than expected!
Juvelen: Great and intense ride for the whole family!
Tornado: One of the best first drops I've ever experienced and it's only 10 m tall! Intamin understands how to add a certain kick to their rides!
Falken: Enjoyable little woodie, with some lovely airtime hills!

No lynet? I agree on Polar Explorer, that thing is awesome.
1 - Jetline, Gröna Lund
2 - Lisebergbanan, Liseberg
3 - Kanonen, Liseberg
4 - Twister, Gröna Lund
5 - Balder, Liseberg
6 - Kvasten, Gröna Lund
7 - Vilda Musen, Gröna Lund
8 - Tranan, Skara Sommarland
9 - Insane, Gröna Lund
10 - Gruvbanan, Skara Sommarland

The top two would is almost a tie since, whenever one of the coasters is ridden, it feels better than the other, and vice versa.
I'm in Canada. Some I haven't ridden due to geographical/size limitations (I'm working on the latter), so I'll lean on some friends whose opinions I trust:

1. Leviathan - Canada's Wonderland, Toronto
2. Behemoth - Canada's Wonderland, Toronto
3. Le Monstre - La Ronde, Montreal
4. Goliath - La Ronde, Montreal
5. Mindbender - Galaxyland, Edmonton
6. Vortex - Canada's Wonderland, Toronto
7. Vampire - La Ronde, Montreal
8. Coaster - Playland, Vancouver
9. Dragon Mountain - Marineland, Niagara Falls
10. Dragon Fire - Canada's Wonderland, Toronto

Sometimes (i.e., for #10, I went with the coaster that received less hate rather than more praise. Whereas Dragon Fire isn't anybody's favourite coaster, my friends and I all enjoy it because of its smooth ride whereas one of my friends absolutely loves the Mighty Canadian Minebuster (MCM), but another friend and I dislike it)

Honorable Mentions:
-I love Skyrider at CW, a Togo stand-up but many people claim it hurts them.
-Cobra is a smooth Intamin stand-up at LR, but I don't find it conveys its speed enough
-The two wooden coasters at CW (MCM and Wild Beast) have very polarizing effects on people
-The Bat (CW)/Le Boomerang (LR) actually are well liked amongst my group of friends and would have likely been close to tied for #10, but I decided to make the list a little interesting
-My friend swears up and down that there's a good little wooden coaster in Nova Scotia at Upper Clements park (I'd never heard of the coaster/park before.
I don't mind Vekoma SLCs and neither do my friends, so they'd likely be close to 11th or 12th on the list, as well.
My top 10 changes often but as of right now it's:

1. Megafobia - haven't been to Oakwood for about 10 years so it might be different now, but I thought this ride was fantastic. Just great fun all round and brilliant at night!
2. Nemesis - unique layout, cool theming, thrilling and fun!
3. Oblivion - short, but the drop is so great it just never seems to get old for me.
4. Grand National - might be imagining things but I don't think this is quite as fun as it was say 10 years ago. Still a great ride though!
5. Stealth - another short ride, but those few seconds are so fast and thrilling I can't help but love it.
6. Dragon's Fury - probably the best spinner I've been on. Was really surprised about how intense it is for a family coaster.
7. Swarm - smooth, not particularly intense, but fun! The first drop is cool and I like trying out different seats to get different experiences.
8. Cobra - just a great fun little family coaster. Was pleased that Paulton's went for a layout that's unique to the UK.
9. Air - another one that's not particularly intense, but I really love the smooth flying sensation!
10. Rage - from what I remember this wasn't rough like other eurofighters I've ridden. Great fun and packs a great punch for such a small park!