Mega Poster
Amazing to see land purchase by a company obviously 100 times more likely to do something than the London Resort ever was. I’m at work so can’t check - how does the size of this plot compare to other parks, Universal or otherwise? I presume at least ~50% of any site goes to backstage needs, parking etc. Presumably a more indoor park takes up less space (more compact rides)?
Despite the good indications something is happening - the UK is notoriously problematic for getting anything built largely due to difficulties getting planning consent. Given how close the site is to a town of 100,000 there are going to be plenty of objections to a theme park. There is also the demand on the power grid, environmental considerations, transport demand etc. There will likely be a change in government next year - suggestion is that a Labour government will be more planning/development-friendly (current restrictive policies have impeded economic growth etc etc) but who knows how that will actually play out.
I’m more optimistic for this than many other developments, but it will take years for anything to happen, if it actually does at all. Fingers crossed for a clone of the ridiculous Mack from Epic Universe though
Despite the good indications something is happening - the UK is notoriously problematic for getting anything built largely due to difficulties getting planning consent. Given how close the site is to a town of 100,000 there are going to be plenty of objections to a theme park. There is also the demand on the power grid, environmental considerations, transport demand etc. There will likely be a change in government next year - suggestion is that a Labour government will be more planning/development-friendly (current restrictive policies have impeded economic growth etc etc) but who knows how that will actually play out.
I’m more optimistic for this than many other developments, but it will take years for anything to happen, if it actually does at all. Fingers crossed for a clone of the ridiculous Mack from Epic Universe though