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URBAN EXPLORING (Not for Squeamish)

I thought your exploration of those houses was fascinating and eerie at the same time Taylor - thanks for sharing it :)
Urban exploring is pretty cool, its good for photography as you can find some really good places.
quote]Wes Craven would smack you upside your head, haven't you seen Scream? Do you not know the absolute don'ts of horror movies? [/quote]

Haha.. Sure have! It was taking a chance though like, we found a lot more houses than the ones we went into, but we weren't 100% sure if they were abandoned or not so we didn't take the risk! I always cuss out the assholes in horror movies but I guess I can't now? Haha.

Seriously cool stuff, the petrified cat is really really amazing in a weird oddball kind of way.

Yahh it just seemed like it was in an odd position, or crushed, or something odd. Me and my mom were both just chillin next to it and didn't see it until like ten minutes later.

hell Taylor, I would never do that, you have a lot of guts.
Don't try it in the evening!

Thank! And no, I definitely won't.. We wanna go to this asylum around the same area only a bit mroe up north, but it has security cameras and stuff so, we kinda can't. The thing is, these places don't have no trespassing signs, so it's not like you can get into trouble from the police or anything.. I mean, you can get into other problems like falling through rotted wood (a problem in the first house for sure), but other than that, not really.

That first pic of the cat thing actually freaked me out. The other dead animal looks really weird and creepy. Do you think it was real or like a plastic skeleton thing.

Yah it was creepy, my poor mom haha, noticed them both, especially the second one, it was RIGHT beside a doorway so when she went through the doorway and it was right next to her, she freaked. And no, it was definitely real.. There were some bugs. And, I don't see a reason for homeless people to have a fake decaying thing in their house :p .

I find it really odd how houses get into that sort of state. Kinda baffles me, like for example, how was that weird patch of something created on the ceiling? (hopefully you know what I mean by that).

Weird patch on the ceiling? Ermm.. ? Haha.

But yah, that's the cool thing about it. You go into them, seeing them in the state they're in, but when I was in the front room and kitchen, all I could imagine was people having Christmas there.. Fun times, and eating family dinners in the dining room. It's kinda sad when you think about it.

Also, clue = win. Was the board still there with all the pieces?

I didn't check, but it looked like it.

I thought your exploration of those houses was fascinating and eerie at the same time Taylor - thanks for sharing it

Glad you liked it!

Urban exploring is pretty cool, its good for photography as you can find some really good places.

Yeah, I'm no world class photographer and neither is my mom, but there are definitely a lot of photography opportunities.
We're out of places to do this at in NYC. Theres still the abandoned subway lines.
There's plenty of old abandoned buildings around my local area including some WWII shelters and a couple of old factories. Even some parts of the old hospital near Preston college are cool to explore.

In the high summer there's an old village that the reservoir have swallowed up as the water drops you can see the houses. Some places are really creepy others are cool though some places have been killed by fires or been torn down by now out of business companies.
We have half a city of abandoned buildings to explore. Taylor, you'd have a field day.. haha
I love this sort of stuff!

zcl said:
Theres still the abandoned subway lines.
I really want to explore all the old Tube lines in London. The ones they converted to hospitals and stuff during WWII.
^^ Haha but isn't your city known for crime rates and crap? So it'd almost be like exploring abandoned buildings in Detroit.. Go in and probably get shot by like, junkies :p .

Exploring abandoned subways would probably be a bit too scary for me!
Well.. see.. the places where there is crime, people live. In the abandoned sections.. there are no people. :p
Liveforthelaunch said:
Then, we went over rotten floorboards to get inside, which was kind of scary, even though it was only about a three or four foot drop to the ground.

Well, I haven't been around the abandoned houses in our town, but I've been in a ruined castle, that someone tried to refurbish and then failed. You think climbing over those rotten floorboards is scary? This tower had a first floor a good 20 feet or so (high ceilings) from the floor of the ground floor, which was just hard stone and debris. You had to climb over these floorboards, and my friends had gone up there previously and one had fallen through and made a hole, thankfully only his leg and he went back down unscathed. There were beams which were 'safe' so you had to guess where to put your foot and cling as close to the stone wall as you could. The whole place was overgrown with weeds as well.

The thing is, these places don't have no trespassing signs, so it's not like you can get into trouble from the police or anything.

Umm, my house don't have tresspassing signs around it, but I'd sure call the police if anyone tried to break in...
^^ Haha, whateverr.

^ Wow, that'd be awesome to go into an abandoned castle, but the trouble is, I'm pretty sure we don't have many castles in Canada/America. Still, that would be scary having to walk on a floor twenty feet above the ground floor, and good thing your friend didn't end up falling through.

And yeah I know you'd probably call the police if people were on your property, but who do these really belong to? Nobody, really, except homeless people in one case.
Yeah, it's not like there's photographic evidence of the trespassing or anything. :roll:

Anyway, entertaining story Miss Launch.