Totally agree, and that "flojector" hill after the first turnaround will provide a bit of different airtime which is good, since the second half of the ride is basically ejector hill after ejector hill. Overall this ride looks like it belongs in the Europe top five, if not top three. Can't wait to try it out -hopefully- next summer!Now that I've had a chance to watch the video in HD on a large monitor instead of on my phone, I have to say that it looks even better than I expected! The pacing looks spot on through quite a good mix of interesting elements. I noticed that they shaped that first turnaround's to provide some of that RMC trickery like on Goliath, and you can tell that every airtime moment is going to have insane ejector air. Can't wait to read everyone's reviews!
Given the things the two rides have in common, anything else would honestly surprise me.Almost gives me vibes of a mini SteVe
Totally agree: two different ride experiences equals two different POV's, it's time parks start noticing.We need more back row POV's in this world.